World of change

Applet here ??

The applet is inside the zip file :D.

Even so, it doesn’t work :

Exception in thread "Thread-22" access denied ( Save\ read)
	at Source)
	at Source)
	at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkRead(Unknown Source)
	at Source)
	at Bim.u.a(SourceFile:140)

Windows XP
java 1.6.0_23-b05
Firefox 4

The applet is inside the zip file :D.

 ::) ha!! ok!! ( is it the new way to distribute Applet ?!  :) )

Ty for reply :wink:
Try download not Applet for you’r OS or register on site of game and try play there .Apllet cause problem because in standard Applets cant read write or send files (mega anti virus system).
Lol i find somewhere in compilation I lost file with rights :slight_smile:
Try update Applet with this
(don’t sure if that’s can help ,maybe file only for debugging purpose)
Upgrade collision check: if someone after this - manage fall down thru texture this while be miracle :wink:
(you same can go in texture somehow that’s rare (i try and i can’t :)), but you cant fall down in texture on bottom of the map I sure in this on 99% :))
We so love them : Buffer (That’s irony, really –really big irony))

public static void BBmr(){
		ByteBuffer bbt=ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(10000000);

Not direct buffer work fine - like array.(if so can say about memory leaks and don’t come back memory in OS)

Two days pass I finish new texture load ,lol hi eat on 5-10 mb RAM lower memory but now take on 1 mb bigger jar size because all img in png :frowning:
30-40 mb eat lwjgl for all texture bind, loader and decoder now need only 1-2 mb for all :wink:

Same thing.
You really should setup a web page for this applet.
Do you test OpenGL capabilities ? I test on a Intel G45 so… it is not the best case :wink:

I have web page :wink: (need register for play there and save, load on server)
Also I have not applet version on site ,and on first page of forum,23947.0.html =)

What you mean not best case ?(She lags , not work, I really don’t know what you mean;)

Its looks crazy :wink: (Madly beautifully? – it also:))



It looks like Minecraft!


So what :wink: Who cares =))
Rewrite half BSP tree now shi take in 2 times less memory ,also fix some critical visual bugs.
(but new BSP tree may produce new one’s ::slight_smile: )

People here are just butthurt because Minecraft is from a JGO user (Who doesn’t even come here anymore!). No one whined that Final Kapture was a Ikaruga/Galaga Clone, or that MegaM4kn was a MegaMan clone. I’ve made clones myself, like Zelda (Phantasy Blade) and no one whined at me for it.

Guys, we all clone at some point, so shut up about minecraft! Clones aren’t bad, and can easily evolve into something original!

that said, this game looks beautiful! I think you should do Hexagons instead of cubes, but I’m a hexagon whore, lol.

Edit: think you could show me how you do collision between the player and the blocks? :wink:

I guess nobody noticed the wink. “;)”

I noticed it! and knew you were being sarcastic based on previous comments :wink:

[quote]Clones aren’t bad, and can easily evolve into something original!
Just say agree. If something isn’t a clone (new gameplay and everything), the first thing come in mind is “it’s odd” :wink:

Well for me, it is more a problem of the web page. When you arrive on the page, you see “applet”. You click on it… it’s not the applet darmn… backware… you search on the page… nothing…

You should add an “Online” paragraph like the “Offline” with an applet link that send you to a login/register page.
Beside that, i will not register to test something.

There are many ways to do this =)
Player is point in space (else think can do self ;))
First) create for cube collision sphere , if player in sphere check how far and drop it out on this distance.

Second) collision with cube, there are 2 cubes for collision ,first is always not rated cube
(I use them now),second cubes may be rotated(want rewrite in this later :))

Third) collision with triangle polygon (or quad) for these need understands linear algebra :wink: that’s hard write in couple words, easy simple find ready code in Google:)

Ty fix it in new patch;)
You always can try java application instead of Applet :wink:

I think this can help to understand how collision work.

Let say you have 2d space ,you have sphere with radius 6 in point of 0,0
And player in point of 4,3
Need calculate distance if shi(point) lesser then radius then shi need collision

Now need calculate in what side need drop down player =) for this you need knew from what point shi start moving before collision (in game I calculate this really easy I take position of object then add direct speed vector, if new position create collision fix vector, after all collision gone add fix vector to origin position)

Let say player star moving form 7,3 then in theory (7,3 -4,3 =3,0) that’s our direct vector
So we now know in what direction need drop down player

6= Sqrt(XX+33) ////3 because shi stay on Y=3 on all path.
(if Vector move by diagonal need calculate point on “moving diagonal” where is start collision and move player there from sphere (that’s many code and many Explanations ;)))
We have X.The new position is X,3 :wink:

More info in Google ;D

Heer is my collision :wink: in 2d

Update :
I even don’t realize how many Cpu used for Draw. Hm…
Update 2:
Strange and mysteries thing happen :2 hr ago game take 20-30% Cpu, that’s strange (all versions ),
I start thinking that’s I doing something wrong ,after many try’s I don’t find error in code, and I start think that’s its normal and I cant fix it, but after I go in street and restart pc game start takes
0% Cpu (sometimes 10%-12%) like always (all versions) after thinking I decide that’s problem in java(I think its Gc) (version with cpu changing by Aliens and parallel world I decide to cast away ;))
Update 3:
Ok now I am sure on 99% its GC take 10+% cpu ****** …… =)
Update 4
Finish rewriting Bsp tree (only small things left) also rewrite placing blocks (this is part of bsp tree :))hope tomorrow start doing unlimited world.
Update 5? :stuck_out_tongue:
Lol I find why java start using more cpu on 10-30% ,when my Music player work (or else game, player cpu usage 0% =)) java eat more(game show 62 fps), when off less(game show 58 fps) :wink:
Like I said before its java problem =)
Also find :not all code start lags only Lwjgl Gl (maybe else code lagging too but its not see).

Do video unlimited world generator(at this moment only XZ can add Y in 2 min but need optimize memory usage;))

With unlimited world BSP hide far nodes;

Also do full formula for finding collision dot on sphere

We need (normalize Direction vector)
(player moves to center of sphere)
8.0 (normalize)=1.0 (1.4 normalize = 0.2 0.8 )
XD=1 YD=0
XP=0 YP=0
XS=8 YS=0
N =time

RadiusRadius= (XS -( XP +N XD))* (XS -( XP +N* XD)) + (YS -( YP +N* YD))* (YS -( YP +N* YD))
N=2 :wink:
Collision pos 2.0
If I do all right this must work for 2d sphere collision . =)

funny bug video ;


One more cool bug metal grass and flowers