Wurm Online

[quote]Error starting Wurm Online: Illegally formatted OpenGL version identifier: “1.2 Mesa 3.4.2”
I don’t think Mesa is true OpenGL. Isn’t it like a software rendering version of it?

[quote] tried running Wurm from the JavaStart and it complaints about my openGL not being 1.4. I then downloaded the new drivers from nvidia, but still it says I have openGl 1.2
I recently downloaded the Detonator XP drivers from NVIDIA for my Geforce 4 MX 440 SE. It says I have OpenGL 1.4. All Detonator XP drivers should have OpenGL 1.4

Yep, MESA is the Software Renderer. You need your Admin to get a OpenGL Driver installed. Good look :wink:

Cool, server’s running but when its nighttime you can’t really see anything. Seriously, one time i thought that the game didn’t even load. Then I saw the stars. :smiley: Maybe you could provide a torch?

Yeah, I know… I raised the ambient light a bit until we get around to implementing light sources.

Btw, there are now 50 mobs hanging around the central plate. They’re not very chatty, but they stress test the model rendering methods quite nicely. =)

[quote]How do I find out the HW-config of a Linux box when I have no admin rights? (Better give me some shell command, as the desktop is “secured” and I had trouble enough opening a shell and installing J1.4.2 here …)
There are a lot of informational files in the /proc directory.
For example try this:

cat /proc/pci
cat /proc/cpuinfo
cat /proc/interrupts

If you have an nvidia card:

cat /proc/driver/nvidia/cards/*

Explore the other files in /proc by yourself. You also can see a list of loaded modules (drivers) by calling:


Btw, Markus: Wurm did once run on my Linux box, but now it terminates just after opening it’s main window with: “Error starting Wurm Online: Error making context current”.
I’m trying to start it in a window with OpenGL check enabled.
I have a Nvidia card with nvidia OpenGL and JDK 1.4.2.

It runs on my Suse8.2 + Nvidia nicely. (disclaimer: I haven’t tried it for 5 days). I had the same err message, but when I put my Linux box in 16 color mode, it works perfectly. However, Markus, newer versions give me strange results on my new 3 GHz, hyperthreading, NVidia FX 5600 256 MG with newest drivers, Windows XP SP1 box. It starts around 20 FPS and newer goes more than 50,55. I have yet to install Suse onto that beast, so I don’t know for Linux FPS. On my old 2.4 GHz Linux with NVidia 4200, I’ve had >70 FPS! What on earth am I doing wrong? Is opengl that much slower on Windoze? Or newer versions of Wurm are that much slower?

The absoluetely latest version of wurm is extremely slow, as the new dynamic clouds code is running at full detail.

[quote] I had the same err message, but when I put my Linux box in 16 color mode, it works perfectly.
Ahh, ok, mine runs at 24 bits color depth. It’s probably the old problem, X reports a depth of 24 but really has a 32 bit framebuffer.

There’s something really wrong with the resolution and refresh rate of the game in fullscreen. My monitor keeps saying overange even though my monitor can support up to 1024x768 resolution at 75 Hz. Help!! I hate window mode.

Yeah… it uses the best refresh rate it can find, so it’s probably trying to use 100hz or some other insane rate.

The fullscreen code isn’t exactly final yet, as I pretty much exclusively play it in windowed mode.
(makes debugging it a tad easier. ;))

Plans for this weekend: Clean up the cloud-code, add rain and thunder. Probably finally implement proper streams and bodies of water.

There, now it uses the lowest refresh rate it can find instead. :wink:

Uploaded a new version that has constant rain.

Setting the refreshrate to the lowest it finds ?! now it rans with 60 hz on my pc.
can’t you add the mhz to the selector in the options-menu? or try to find a resolution with 75/85 hz and use that ?


You’re just going to have to live with 60 hz for now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah, lightning and rivers didn’t really happen… I got sidetracked writing an erosion engine for the landscape creation for some reason.

I was looking for articles on generating rivers on a heightmap and, well, it all went downhill from there. :wink:


[edit: oops, used ]

I just tried the latest version… now I get an error message sometimes when I move the console window around or switch the focus to it. This happens after walking around for a bit, or right away…
“Error starting Wurm Online: Error swapping buffers”, press OK and the game goes bye bye.
Is this a JOGL problem?

I certainly hope so. =/

The exception comes from jogl, but I’m not certain if it’s my fault or if jogl just isn’t as awt/swing friendly as it claims.

I get the error swapping buffers exception infrequently in my own Jogl project, seems to be brought about by simple things like resizing the window or alt-tabbing, so i think its a Jogl bug…

Ups, very strange. Windows download says 1.6 Meg, Linux 2.2 Meg. And Linux never finishes. It says “corupted jar” or something like that. Btw. Linux Web start is working, I’ve downloaded few other programs without a glitch. Help, Markus! I want to test my new machine!

I re-uploaded all the lib jars in case any of them were broken… Try now.