World of change

I create cubes with 2 polygons it takes 16 GPU calls(don’t see no one hu create models with my( that’s what i use)algorithm :)) , 3 polygons 18 calls ,when creating cube with 6 polygons takes 24 calls its really good optimization =)
(if create by triangles its take 36 calls)
tetrahedrons 24 calls :wink:
p.s there are many nice algorithm but time for them not come :wink:

Finish site rest couple days and return to game:)
p.s (Site hosting work very slow :frowning: maybe its only for few days after his crash( hi crash today)…)

My “holy war” with polys continue :slight_smile:
I again try to optimize cube ,and triangles win (don’t know why but earlier won polygons)
Try fast optimize light (picture without light hard for understanding especially end and start of cliff) use normal opengl light , looks better ,but that’s not finale, need rewrite all system =)

after before
now cubes looks so cubastic.
p.s I think I finish for today,if someone wants offline version with save, load post :slight_smile: (I can do it really fast but don’t know need shi right now someone or no)

Update first post add offline version(have save load)

I don’t like to be harsh as you’re obviously enjoying yourself, but you keep saying your game is better than ahem other games (like a car is better than a wheel), but how? I already have accounts for similar games, so why should I play yours?
What is your unique selling point?

I don’t say that’s someone have better or worst game :slight_smile: And hope that’s I don’t say this in future,
I simple say that no need compare different games ( finished project and project that only start)
(“All real time strategy looks like dune 2 and they not steal idea they upgrade it .
Like car is upgrade of wheel.”)

That’s what I’m asking - how will WOC be different from minecraft?
I appreciate your skill, it’s not easy to get as far as you have already, but I’m afraid that you’ll hit the ‘just another MC clone’ wall. You’re good at coding but you’ll lose kudos by just copying.
What can you add to this to make it special?


Thanks for good words, i add some gameplay in 0.5-2 month (maybe earlier) ,need fix many things in game engine.
It won’t be something special and unique if I say it now:)

Do this today (rewrite half texture loader , later rewrite texture-text loader) also add some light on texture (not game light , simple texture lighter and darker to easy understand map)
hm fps lose 3-4% need rewrite texture to avoid it :slight_smile:

Version 0.11 update go rest some time:)

Hm funny thing billboard use GPU same like full cube, and that’s all without calculating his angel and etc.
(billboard glRotate glCallList , cube glCallList)

Add plan for next version (in first post) for you and me;)

Really cool coding skills but do you have game play idea? You don’t have to tell exactly what it is just that you have it.
Tecnical masterpiece is worth of nothing if noone is using or seeing it.

It seems like you use the forum as a twitter channel and post every little change, if you want people interested post big changes once it is a game and read-proof your messages before posting them (half of the time I have no idea what you’re writing about ;))

I don’t think English is his first language though

I don’t think it is, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t read your post a couple of times before posting to make sure it is easily understood (I always do as English is my second language).

Sorry if some of my posts hard to understanding .(I try fix it )
And ,yes I really use forum like channel for news :wink:
I want do “RPG” where you can harvest flowers, iron do swords, with Cities where live NPC;) and many else Well-known features.

Want do high detail grass (I finish writing model and texture loader for Maya =)) , but :slight_smile: i do really stupid thing and union all grass in Maya(before i design some in 3dmax and newer try Maya), after I separate them they lose UV map coordinates and I cant restore them :((
Here what I have,

Here is right grass color and up … :frowning:

not perfect(like I want, even not super :wink: ) but if I continue upgrade it (I want do more realistic grass) I lose really many tame.

Lame blocks :wink:

how you think ppl lame block or my stupid grass=)?
p.s Lol maybe do stupid Lame grass proxy on box from picture ? (rendered Maya paint effect,like do 95% games) :wink:

AAAA lol

26 mil vertex fps 30 =)=)=)=)=)=)
textured vertex 26 748 000

I cry from happiness.

Very nice!


It does look good, but that must be expensive as f*** . Will you be able to render let’s say 1000 of those grassy block in a frame and keep steady with the fps ?