This is the first time she’s wearing a hat…
Just fixed up all the crap in [icode]PerspCam[/icode] class of SilenceEngine. It now works both as a free-flying camera and also as a look at camera. Quaternions are more interesting the more I’m looking into them.
Yo forgot mey m8
value-noise-nebula in the sky :
mind sharing how you made it? looks brilliant!
it’s nothing too special, just a glsl 3d-rotated-fbm-value-noise with derivates over the ray-direction :
float tnoise( in vec3 point, in int octaves, in float scale, in float gain, in vec4 rotation, inout vec3 derivate )
// insert your fbm value noise here
vec3 nebula( in vec3 rd ) // rd = ray-direction
vec3 distnn = vec3(0.0); // 1st noise derivate output
vec3 nn = vec3(0.0); // 2nd noise derivate output
vec4 rr = vec4(0.21060571, 0.42775142, 0.20611769, 0.8545112); // quaternion used to rotate octaves
// 1st noise
float dist = tnoise(120 - rd * 0.5, 3, 2.01, 0.66, rr, distnn );
dist = max(0.0, dist * 2.2 - 1.4);
float distort = dist * 0.8 + 0.2;
// 2nd noise, using 1st noise output
float f = tnoise(rd * 3.0 * distort + distnn*1.5, 6, 2.01, 0.55 * min(distort * 1.5, 1.0), rr, nn );
f = smoothstep(0.4, 1.0, f);
f *= dist;
float sh = dot(nn, -rd);
sh = sh * 0.5 + 0.5;
sh *= sh;
sh *= 2.0;
// color 1
vec3 c1 = distnn * 0.5 + 0.5;
c1.x = c1.x + c1.y * 0.5;
c1 *= vec3(1.0,0.8,0.6);
c1 = c1 * 0.5 + 0.5;
// color 2
vec3 c2 = nn * 0.5 + 0.5;
c2.x -= c2.z * f;
c2 *= vec3(0.8,0.9,1.8);
return mix(c2, c1, sh * sh) * f * sh * 0.9;
the noise i used is the very most basic value/lattice noise you can think of. like this :
the “trick”, if you want to call it like that, is to feed noise into another noise-input. like this :
Finished up one of Mercury’s demo games. Say hello to Ground Control!
JGO post is here.
- Jev
Still pretty glitchy, but fun. Unfortunately I now have to do some real coding and implement pathfinding.
I spent the day doing this in Java2D (11mb gif)
Simply Amazing ;D
Messed with icospheres
Here’s one after 2 subdivisions:
This one I messed with the sphere sizes:
This one I messed with the sphere sizes:
I wonder what weapons of mass destruction you could make with that!!! Oh… the slaughter…
I mean… very nice… :persecutioncomplex:
All hail _basil the shader god
Those would make lovely wallpapers. Could you render the second to last one in 1080p?
I decided my life goal is to get a medal from Riven. Then I can continue along my road to enlightenment.
Started studying how all the math really works inside those beautiful 2D shaders on shadertoy. Looking at a video I learned and followed along to make a little palm tree but then added a sunset/rise. It’s very cool to see how math can translate into art.
I decided my life goal is to get a medal from Riven. Then I can continue along my road to enlightenment.
I created a wallpaper for the project I’ve been working on for some time.
Well let me see…
Feeling kinda sick… I remember other people earlier weren’t feeling well either… can diseases travel through the internet?
Made a KeyboardController class which extends the Controller class and acts like a controller… So you can use it as a stud if the user doesn’t have any controller plugged in…
Completely stuck with my sound engine for my game engine… already asked about it but got no response yet… I don’t really want to continue with my game engine until I get the sound system working…
Don’t know what to do now… Maybe try and make a simple little command-prompt-based OS… Cause I’m bored…
Also, thanks @basil_… now can u just add a chain to it and sell it on ebay? If anyone buys it… it is definitely not me trying to find a weapon of mass destruction… I swear… :persecutioncomplex: