What I did today

That is absolutely adorable. :slight_smile:
It’ll never beat Santa Descartes though.

Today I polished up one of the three game’s we’re going to be pushing out in the next few weeks.
It’ll probably be on JGO tomorrow or the day after.

  • Jev

Dr. Freud snuck into the JGO liquor cabinet during the Christmas party.


… A-Am I cool now?

I follow the trend!

I’ve spent most of the last week working on improving terrain generation for my game, using some of the ideas from my earlier experiments. I also found some very useful techniques from this tutorial: accidentalnoise.sourceforge.net/minecraftworlds.html to set up the basics of making the ground level topography.

First I made a rock density map using various parameters (top right). Next generate a core heat map, which affects and is affected by the density map. Thirdly create a cave-probability map (bottom left) which is used to help build the final terrain map. All of these maps will also be used in game for various mechanics.

I already can’t wait to go exploring those caves! I think they will still throw surprises at me even though I know how the generator works.

Back after a long break, started to clean up my utility classes.

Also following the trend. :slight_smile:

Made a subtle (yet trendy) change.

Love that Brocolli! :smiley:

A-a-am I part of the trend now?


I began coding in exploration into my game , fully completed my editor.
I just need to add in the rest of my tiles.

Finished coding my parser for my own markup language, and added a suite of unit tests. Still not sure why I did it though. I think I got bored of coding JSPs every night and sortof had a coding breakdown :slight_smile:

Got the flu while coding today :’(, but I learned how to encrypt files and made a new profile to fit the season. After a nice nap, I’ll (Hopefully) post my WIP game.

“Ninjas vs Zombie Pirates Unity” - Dev Progress #1


The naughty list was getting quite long and coal was getting quite expensive so Santa decided to send a few archers to thin out the numbers.

Should be titled what I did yesterday, all last night, this morning, and continuing today…

Finally got some really nice clean and modern OpenGL code up for Android which supports compute shaders and such.

Just got featured on the front page of XDA Developers… :smiley:

Woot woot… ;D

Ugh im with you on that . Ive had a migrain all day its horrendous. Anyway ive written a program that calculates the center of mass and the center of thrust (of each direction ofc).

I do have a question to you physics whizzes out there . How do I calculate the amount an object will rotate about its centre when a force F is applied to it at a tangent? Help would be appreciated.

The torque is t = Pf x f where f is the force applied and Pf is the point it is applied relative to the center of mass.

A torque is something like a ‘force for rotation’. Some objects are easier to rotate than others (a sphere and a stock…) Every axis has an Owen moment of inertia. You can Google some intertia tensor for different objects.

The angular acceleration is I*t where I is the inverse inertia tensor.

I am not sure how right the given info are, just wrote things like I remember them. I am in school right now (having break) but supposed you are interested I can edit this post and explain how you can apply rotation. Otherwise you got some words to Google.


Revamped the title screen in our latest game. (Click for full-sized image)


I also finished up some music for it too.
Will give more info soon. :slight_smile:

EDIT: It’s done!

  • Jev