I somehow managed to break my GRUB, and now I’m trying to fix it. Hurray! No coding for the next 3 days! (if I’ll have to reinstall the whole OS, I’ll be pretty pissed off. I should propably stop messing around with Linux)
Just boot up a live usb of ugly little ubuntu and run boot repair.
Hahaha! Z-Ordering w/ Collisions!
Got my ray marching terrain working. Added some noise functions, scaled it with a sin(time); interesting results.
I suggest you to go back and fix the light model before going further. Ambient is approximation of indirect light that is coming from every direction. Clamping directional light to small positive value is not equivalent.
Reinvented YAML :emo:
I made some smoke.
Cool… I like particle engines but usually they require a lot of arguments… How many does yours use if I may ask…
Wow… my head hurts looking at that code… :o And I usually like maths…
I still can’t believe this topic is still going… This must be one of the biggest topics in the history of JGO… (although I haven’t been on JGO that long)
gouessej’s thread for his actual project TUER is still longer, although not by much now. More impressive is that it started nearly 8 years ago and is still more or less going.
Not hard to make a super long thread when it’s something everyone participates in and never really loses relevance.
I’m currently working on my game engine (Red Game 2D Engine [the redo])…
I guess that makes us… Competitors! deathstare
Although… I’m not really that far yet… I just finished making the camera… I’m going to be working on the text renderer next…
Alright, let’s have a healthy competition! :point: 8)
What people think I will say: Alrighty then…
What I think I will say: It’s on!
What people think I’m thinking: I’m so screwed…
What I’m actually thinking: Screw the game engines… I got a an adowables little toothless with a chwismas hat! so cute! ;D
Alright, let’s have a healthy competition! :point: 8)
Breaking news! SHC has sued matanui159 for 200 million dollars over patent infringement!
Since it’s 3AM, This might technically be a “What I did yesterday”. But I’m pretty proud of this one:
Since it’s 3AM, This might technically be a “What I did yesterday”. But I’m pretty proud of this one:
Holy hell (sry to any christains I may offend… trust me, im christain myself)… What is that? It looks awesome!
(im just reposting this cause the original one was put in chatchat monster cause half the post was to do with an arguement…)
Completed my font renderer for my game engine! Quite good if I dont say myself although this was my first time trying making a proper one… Note that this is in italic and yet none of the letters aren’t clipped like I have seen in other font renderers…
Decided to follow the avatar christmas dressing trend.
Also worked on my current game a bit.