So easy for projects to get derailed, for me. My last post was about the Theremin. It’s so far out of mind that I can’t recall why it got back-burnered again. Ah–probably the “macro recording” feature proved too tricky to just kick out and I put it aside for that reason. I really need to get better at follow-through!!
Mostly am focused on JavaScript/VR for startup: downloaded 95 sets of 6 jpgs that form boxes that can be used as 360-degree photos, of a US WWII Navy battleship interior and deck. These could be really cool for a game, but permissions issues. Also, the photographers didn’t have navigation through the space in mind. So maybe only a third have clear connections to each other. Lots of knowledge holes to fill: finished w3schools section on HTML and am progressing through CSS. Also working through book on JavaScript after finishing the basic w3schools section.
Had to take a break to work on a bit of music! (I was a music major, after all.) I think the recent remix on this tune (was posted a couple years ago?) has helped a lot. Had avoided using limiters before this for no good reason, but it turns out Audacity’s limiter was great at squashing the ‘gong’ and allowing the overall volume to be boosted to something reasonable. Needs a title. It is a quiet piece, possibly works as background music for coding. Maybe it is strong enough to put up for sale for $1? Have been kind of scared to take that step.