What I did today

Likewise. Intrigued by this release.

Cas :slight_smile:

The JAR is dead! Long live modules!

Of all the things in Java 9, the modules thing is probably the least useful to the most people.

Cas :slight_smile:

Rather annoying that module files no longer open with zip software, jar’s had this advantage in that you could easily open them and have a look inside (and even modify them) using any program that supports zip files.

A bit of a shame yes, but then again zip is a pretty poor format for speedy access… are modules any better in that regard?

Cas :slight_smile:

It’s still ZIP files. I can rename them to *.zip, then use the ‘unzip’ cli to unpack. It warns about “4 extra bytes at…” though, so they probably just customized (obfuscated) the header a little. Just enough to irritate the OS X Archive Utility… ::slight_smile:

What do you think is the most useful?

I can’t see modules catching on any time soon because so much is invested in jars.its also interesting that oracle is handing a lot of java back to the community (openjdk is now the standard and j2ee moving to eclipse I think)

[sup]I’m so happy[/sup]
Highlight of my day: Herjan here on JGO sent me the nicest private message about my first webcomic! Well, actually it was sent like 20 days ago but only now did I see it. Anyway, if just to receive that kind of positiveness every once in a while, I want to keep drawing and keep telling stories through webcomics!
Herjan: I privately replied but thank you so much again. If it’s okay with you, could you share your initial message either here or directly in the comments section of my website? I love you :slight_smile:

Actually now you actually ask me… this does seem to be a bit of a lame duck of a release features-wise. The module system solved a problem we didn’t exactly have as such though especially as OpenJDK can be chopped down as much as we like.

A few of the new static Collections methods will cut out a bit of irritating boilerplate and it paves the way for actual lexical syntax to support them in a future release which would be nice (in the same way as, say, “” quotes and the + are specially handled to cope with the String class, we could get syntax for lists, sets and maps eh?)

I wonder if the new renderer for JavaFX is any faster. API improvements creep onwards but it’s still sort of in the early days yet.

Cas :slight_smile:

I really think one of the things Java lacks most is operator overloading. Because it’s so fancy.


Interestingly most of the things Java really lacks are present in Ceylon. Which is looking veeeeeeeery interesting.

Cas :slight_smile:

Yey, union and intersection types! Although I heard that this concept is one of those that worsen your codebase because modeling types is neglected piece for piece.

@CoDi^R: You say it like the Dark Side is a bad thing ;D

Not at all! But as every Sith lord knows: it’s a fine line between ruling the galaxy and going nuts. :wink:

I’m starting a new job at a popular software development bootcamp! I’ll be helping to teach Java and C# to people all over the US :slight_smile: I really like teaching so this is an exciting change.

Crazy to go back to my first posts and see how far I’ve come… I’ve been on this forum for so long now!

I experimented with creating a UWP app with Java, and it seems with GWT it is possible, although I had to use a hack.

More details coming soon. I’m very sleepy now.

Implemented a navier stokes solver based on this paper: http://www.intpowertechcorp.com/GDC03.pdf
Still have to add the project step but it looks ok now. Can draw velocity map and stuff too.
Coded it in processing for simplicity, gonna switch over to Java and LibGDX to render and compute it on the GPU for performance because I don’t feel like digging into shaders with processing. Maybe I’ll release a fluid sim library for LibGDX once this is done.


Edit: Implemented the project function. It’s pretty much done in terms of getting it up and running. Now for shaders ie actually good performance.



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