What I did today

Exactly, the point is to maintain the most significant part of a (sub)result. The simplest example is multiply, if we think of our two numbers as consisting of a 24 bit integer (all fractional part so: 0.24) and an exponent, then the product simply adds the integer exponents and to store the new fraction part would require: 0.24 x 0.24 = 0.48, so 48 bits for the significand. Since we’re using a fixed number of bits those 48 bits are rounded to 24.

Icecore - this floating point conversation reminded me of this pbsinfinite series episode (why computers are bad at algebra) on YouTube


It talks about 64 bit floats but you can apply easily to 32 bit

Didn’t watch video but symbolically, computer’s are actually quite excellent at algebra given a good piece of software…and getting there on verifying and generating proofs.

Not really today, but on Monday I started at my first full time job out of university at Google. I’m at their Mountain View headquarters in the Bay Area (Silicon Valley). Pretty happy to say the least :slight_smile:

First time that I am working for six weeks on a project and still having loads of fun :slight_smile:

My three year break has changed me.

Sharing the peace I enjoy, my practice of the day:

Yup, for the past five weeks, the player still can only walk around the scene. But polishing every detail makes it so rewarding to walk around compared to five weeks ago.
One of those rewarding things I made are shaders, for everyone who is lazy/ignorant like me:
5 minutes of pure bliss

Congratulations! I’m really jealous of the free snacks and nap pods (those are a thing, right?), the coolest thing we have here are treadmills ;D

Yeah how close does it look to the internship movie? Are those slides real?

@Opiop, free breakfast, lunch, and dinner every weekday, in addition to unlimited free snacks and drinks. The nap pods exist but they aren’t that cool :stuck_out_tongue:

@FabulousFellini, funny thing about The Internship movie, it was filmed at my university Georgia Tech :slight_smile: The slides are real, but I still haven’t gotten on them.

Congratulations ra4king!

This week I settled on trying to polish the FM Theremin I wrote a while back, to get it up to a quality where I might post it on itch.io. So far, have made improvements to the GUI, including making panels resizable (giving more “playing” room when the control panel is not needed), and an easier-understand checkbox for whether the “expression” attribute controlled by a slider is a fixed value (independent of Y-axis location) or ranges with the mouse Y position.

I’ve been slowed down a bit with implementing a decision to eliminate Nyquist aliasing. Am working out a way to automatically scale back the amplitude of the modulator (source of overtones in FM) that takes into consideration the frequency and the degree of modulator feedback. Had to spend time manually listening and charting the frequencies where aliasing kicks in for various modulator Index and Feedback settings, and then on working out good equations/algorithms to fit the data points. It is close to working–last attempt covers the endpoints well but “sags” in the middle. I suspect fixing it is a matter of changing the point at which I reference the data which can be either linear or exponential depending on the stage of the calculation. (E.g., midi notes, piano notes are linear, but the Hz value doubles every 12 steps–do we calculate using the Hz or the midi values?)

Am reminded how important it is as a programmer to learn math for sequences, series and curve-fitting polynomials, as having this handier in memory would have made this much easier to do.

My weather experiments are turning out interesting. The mountains and forests alter the wind flow, and the weather patterns change over the seasons. Now it needs to do something with heat and moisture so it can create rain and snow in the right places.

Needed a default string for an app but couldn’t go with [icode]null[/icode]…

static final String S_TO_SET = "'74_ao16/*%LQ^&*(jw))(*&^%'anvo";

I reckon no one is gonna enter that, right? ::slight_smile:

Created a new Track: https://soundcloud.com/mathias-h/traveling

Mostly done in the train while Travelling back from the 50th Wedding Anniversary of my parents and the Funeral of my Mother in Law :-\

Today I moved into my freshman dorm room! Exciting times.

Developed and trained a (deep? 2 convolutional layers and pooling layers) convolutional neural network to recognize digits out of the MNIST data set to learn more about convolutional nets. Got up to a 99.12% accuracy for the entire testing data set after 20,000 training iterations. Didn’t use tensorflow or anything, but managed to utilize C and CUDA to outsource some operations to the GPU making training much much faster.
Also got a new laptop! Super pumped about it, 16 GB RAM, 4K screen, GTX 960m, i7 6700HQ. Pretty damn good laptop for the price, and it’ll last me at least through undergrad and graduate school. I’m planning to go for my PhD in something with machine learning. I’ve been interested it for years and now I can finally do something with that after really learning more about it over the past few months.

Finally implemented a 3D compositor.


With the new 3D compositor now I can do fancy things with the windows because they are in 3D space, today I’ve implemented new window animations and modified the blur effect to work in 3D.


Today I finally finished my trial webcomic! If today hasn’t been wtf-y enough for you take a look at my cover page ;D
Right here
Sweet sweet js+css3

Today I finished the 17th game for the game advent calendar und solved a wired “bug” with libgdx and the html version. There was a problem with a “method ()V not found”. The problem was the gwt version 2.8.1 which seems to have problems with the jetty version I used. After switching to version 2.8.0 everything works fine. Sounds easy but many wasted hours are gone …

But now everythings works fine in html, android und desktop. And I am happy. =)

How to tell if someone is German 101 ::slight_smile:

On another note Apo by looking at your screenshots I’m kind of amazed that you can pull off making so many different games! I mean there doesn’t seem to be 2 of the same genre out of the 17! Anyways, keep it up :slight_smile:

Funny topic)

Finally managed to render something on LWJGL3! ;D

… after having procrastinated at an epic level for… years… :’(
