What I did today

I’ve been working on a website for a company (solo work sadly) and decided to run gource and see what it looked like on this project. Link to a photo of it, because I didn’t want to be that guy who threw a large photo into the thread and took up half the page. :stuck_out_tongue:

Never realized how big the project was, I’m going to start looking at these more often. Makes me really happy to see how much work I’ve done. :smiley:

Played around with ffmpeg and headless browsers:

gif reverser thing:

Opens a url, flips the images, transforms a’s to å’s and o’s to ö’s


And a site thumbnail shortcut thing:


Ah, the joys of proper image scaling :slight_smile:

I’ve heard a lot that learning Assembly teaches you how to program more efficiently, so I’ve always wanted to learn Assembly. Never found the time, especially now that school has been keeping me constantly busy. The gift that never stops giving.

In other news, I recently placed an order for the 3rd Edition of Real Time Rendering and I received it a couple of days ago. It’s absolutely amazing! To anyone who’s interested in real-time rendering for interactive applications, I highly recommend the book :slight_smile:

I’m also participating in an inter-school game dev competition, and it’s been going really well for my team. We’re making a sort of brawler/boss fight game, and we’re trying to work our way around the guidelines of the theme (they limit our creativity) that they set without losing too much relevance to the theme :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes @ShadedVertex, it absolutely makes one program efficiently. I’m now very much interested in the low level details more than in higher OOP abstractions that I used to be fond of. Whenever I see a program, I’m now wondering how many instructions that this generate, etc.,

And by the way, I don’t want to offend, but I don’t believe one works so busy when in school, not only in school but anywhere. If you really want to do something, you can always try to make time for it. I did this in the two day preparation time that I got before my end semester examination, and the subject was Web Technologies, I had to study HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Ruby, Perl, CGI and MySQL all for one exam. But I did great on the test. Just wanted to say, don’t think otherwise.

Congratulations on your inter-school game dev competition, hope you do it well, and hope we will be able to play your game soon.

Awesome! I’m going to try learning Assembly sometime soon :slight_smile:

Yeah, no offence taken, don’t worry :stuck_out_tongue: It’s not just my acads that are keeping me busy, I’ve got a lot of duties and planning responsibilities too, it’s part of the leadership and character development. I’ve got exams coming up too, so I can’t find much time these days. Not really complaining though; I like being kept busy, it keeps me from getting bored, which is the worst feeling. Can’t wait for the end of the exams, though.

Absolutely, I’ll do my best. Thanks :smiley: As for playing the game, I’ll update everyone with a link to the game once the competition’s over.

A good game with a run-down industrial area needs burning trashcans 8)


Finally got access to internet with my laptop. For the last five months I’ve been in and out of jails and institutions. I am now a recovering addict and life is really looking up - I hate to drop such a bombshell on the community, but I’m accepting who I am and what I’ve done and now I need to move on. I’ll probably contribute on JGO a little bit but not nearly as much as in the past. I love you guys.

Congrats man! Keep up being clean! Just take one day at a time.

We love you Slyth <3

jammed a PO-14 + PO-16 through fmod subfactory_s_15_09_moncap.mp3


I wish you the best of luck :slight_smile: And never forget: things always get better, no matter what happens.

My poor brain just exploded.

I’m proud of you! I’ve had people with similar problems in my own family, and it gets better. Just hang in there!

Well done, you. Never look back.
My little brother relapsed. Now he’s dead.

Cas :expressionless:

Aw why :frowning: it’s true

I just downloaded SASM, an IDE for ASM programming. I’m gonna learn NASM after my exams, can’t wait ;D

The quote could be interpreted as “Things always get better, even when they get worse.”, which I assume is the cause of Riven’s distress.

Wow cool! Am excited too. Am however using Atom instead of an IDE. Will check it out now.

Hi, first post here ;D

Start reworking the options window, added toggle buttons and scroll area. Video