TUER: Truly Unusual Experience of Revolution, FPS using JOGL

Hey There. I just tried again after a reboot. It worked well :smiley: The game looks really nice now! No shooting though…

Now I know which OS you use ;D

Thank you for testing once more. I plan to implement shooting in some weeks in 2 steps:

I’m currently preparing the new installer of JFPSM based on IzPack.

Why?! For the sake of cute fluffy bunnies, work on the gameplay.


I frequently add some new models into TUER, the whole game may become too big to be deployed with Java Web Start and its shortcut feature has never worked as far as I know.

I only have a problem with the automatic updates and IzPack, I don’t know if has the same effect than the automatic update system of Java Web Start. Anyway I won’t completely switch to IzPack until some problems are solved and I don’t want to spend too much time on it.

Edit.: I have abandoned IzPack. I will create my own desktop shortcut, it is already working on Linux, look at this class:

If some people could test this class especially on Mac and Windows, it would be very helpful. Thanks:

I’m implementing the ammunition system to allow the player to pick up some ammo, reload, shoot, etc…


doesnt work using Java 1.5, but is included in 1.6

I can test on a Mac tomorrow morning.


It didn’t know that. Actually, TUER does not support Java 1.5 anymore since 2008.

Wow ;D my implementation is quite robust on Windows. As you can see, the first method based on WSH fails but the (deprecated) registry method works.

Thank you so much for your precious help.

Edit.: bobjob, I have found my mistake thanks to your log. I should have stored the WSH script into a separate file and call it with wscript:

wscript //NoLogo //B getWindowsDesktopFolderPath.wsf

mouse sensitivity = too low for FPS game. anything other == good. :slight_smile:

mouse sensitivity = too low for FPS game. anything other == good. :_

Thanks for testing. I agree with you but as it is a matter of taste, I will have to allow people to change it in the options.

and 1 more thing. make the crusor go up and down.
P.S create a jump function :stuck_out_tongue:

You have just tested the alpha version that is no more developed since 2 years… I currently work on the pre-beta version.

Isn’t that normally called the “alpha version”? :wink:


What do you mean exactly? As English is not my mother tongue, understanding some jokes is sometimes difficult not only because of the language barrier but because of cultural and political differences.

Actually, what is called the “pre-beta version” is so minimalist that it could be called the “alpha version”. I underestimated the difficulty of porting my game from my own engine to engines like JMonkeyEngine 2 and Ardor3D, that is why the term “pre-beta” does not really fit well in this situation, I chose this term when I didn’t know what amount of work the portage would require :frowning:

However, some professionnal studios have a strange interpretation of this terminology. I tested a nice FPS at Paris in France, it was marked as “alpha” whereas it was already really complete on my view.

On the other hand, it is my birthday today ;D I’m 26. If I have some time tonight, I will try to add some ammo.

Happy birthday and congrats! You’ve still got your hilarious sense of humour, I love your political differences lol. Have a top bday 8)

Lol thank you very much ;D

Mac OSX test:

It created a .sh file on the desktop. It didnt seem to do anything else.

Also, Happy Birthday gouessej.


That is the expected behavior as it would have been very difficult to create a real Alias (enhanced and robust desktop shortcut using Finder on Mac).

Thank you very much.


I’m trying to finish the implementation of ammunitions.

On the other hand, can you vote for this bug please? It breaks JavaSound on Linux when someone has a webcam with an embedded microphone, I don’t know whether it is reproducible on other operating system.


I have updated the very experimental version:

Now, it is possible to reload weapons but I have disabled the shoot as it was not working reliably. I have fixed some tiny annoying bugs, the progress bar displayed during the loading of the level is now at the bottom like the other one, it is updated correctly so that the user does not believe that TUER has crashed, I display a nice background image and the name of the level while loading. I’m going to use Fettle, a nice API for state machines. Maybe I will add a menu item to uninstall the game, it is not very difficult.

Switching to Fettle is quite a bit difficult. When it is done, I will be able to implement the shoot correctly.

When I have some time, I will replace the agent by a more beautiful soldier, I only have to modify a very little bit the geometry with Blender and the texture with The Gimp.

I’m happy because Ardor3D works fine, Paul Lamb’s Sound Library too, Fettle is better than my own state machine and my source code is clean. The whole just does what it has to do, I don’t have the feeling to use dark kludges or obscure things.