TUER: Truly Unusual Experience of Revolution, FPS using JOGL

Your desktop shortcut doesn’t work on Windows if there are spaces in the path to javaws.exe. You should either wrap the path in double quotes or use the short form of directory names.


C:\Users\homer\Desktop>C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\javaws.exe http://t
‘C:\Program’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


Thank you for testing and for the feedback. I’m going to fix it tonight. I will wrap the path in double quotes as the short form might not work on some machines. I don’t have access to any machine on Windows except sometimes at work, it does not help. Sorry.

I have just fixed it, it is on the SVN repository:

I will update my game tonight.

Edit.: I have just updated the game.


I have hugely driven the whole configuration of the environment easier for people who would like to use any version of TUER (for development purposes) including the both abandoned versions (the one using my own engine and the other one using JMonkeyEngine 2). The new homogeneous procedure is there. As usual, as English is not my mother tongue, let me know if I made some spelling mistakes. I have not checked how it works with Netbeans. Best regards.

Edit.: I have updated the procedure for Netbeans. This IDE generates a lot of files, I have been unable to make a better installation procedure, sorry.


I’m going to use Pack200 as soon as possible. I hope it will reduce a little bit the installation time. I will use Matthias Mann’s Ant task to automatize this in my script. Best regards.

I ran the latest TUER jnlp, and it got to the loading screen then quit out.

Any idea why?

you may want to look at the LWJGL appletloader, it combines pack200 and LZMA to create extremely small packages.

it installs to a temp folder and keeps track of file versions.

running my applet with only jar compression it ends up being:

Pack200 only:

LZMA only:

pack200 + LZMA it ends up being:

its worth going over the appletloader source code. as it does alot of other neat little things. Like loads all the packaged classes in a seperate classloader so static usage isnt a problem inside a single virtual machine instance (java 1.5). as well as a native hack so you can use native files for multiple applets in the same vm instance (again java 1.5).

Not that you need applet support but with a little bit of tweeking it would make a great update checker for an application, as well as potentially allowing applet support. I modified a version to work great with webstart so that it works as an customizable splash screen, when checking updates or installing.

for JOGL support you would probably only need to change the property for native file location to be appropriate for JOGL.

edit: I tried to download a version of TUER to see how small i could compress it, but I couldnt find any bundle version of the source. it seemed like it would take ages to download each file.


Thanks for testing. Another user had the same problem and it crashed only one time, it worked after a reboot, I don’t know why. Please clean your Java Web Start cache, display the Java console and activate the logs to see what is wrong if it happens again. If you’re on Windows with a GDI generic driver, it won’t work.

Matthias Mann’s Ant task has an option to use LZMA. Actually, as I have a lot of things to do, I plan to use Pack200 with GZIP compression only as a first step. Thank you for the tip.

It should take only several minutes with Subversion to get the whole project.

Hey, gouessej, why not porting your game to LWJGL applet? You would eliminate your biggest installation issues I guess and you would enable ad revenue via your web page.

Thank you for your suggestion.

At first, since I began using Java, I have had more problems with applets than with Java Web Start and I don’t want to depend on browser bugs (whereas I have been able to work around existing bugs of Java Web Start). The ancestor of TUER is still an applet and I made this switch in 2006 for good reasons.

Secondly, I’m not interested in creating a FPS playable inside a browser, it is only a matter of taste. I prefer full screen games running outside the browser, heavy applications, heavy clients, I’m not interested in developing sandboxed applications.

Thirdly, I remind you that Chrome badly supports applets using Java Deployment Toolkit whereas my own fix for Chromium/Chrome allows Java Web Start to work fine.

Fourthly, I don’t want my game to become a billboard for advertising, it is completely against my political positions. If a few people want to give some money, that is fine but this is not important. I understand that some developers make games to earn money but I already have a job and I don’t see my own project as a product. I quickly get discouraged when money comes to my projects… The pre-beta version of TUER will contain more and more political messages in a near future, it would be nonsensical to mix them with ads, I would not be credible.

Finally, lots of people here already know my opinion concerning LWJGL. The pre-beta version of TUER “can” work with LWJGL, I have done nothing in the source code neither to prevent it nor to drive it more complicated but I will never use it in my own projects. JOGL will always be the default Java binding for OpenGL of my game.

[quote]I understand that some developers make games to earn money but I already have a job and I don’t see my own project as a product. I quickly get discouraged when money comes to my projects…
I don’t want to derail this conversation, but this is something I still don’t really get about you (unless you’re insanely rich or something ;)).
As I see it, you put a lot of effort in the work you do in your free time, so why not make some money off it? Your game IS a product of your work, and if you can enjoy some financial return from your work, then why not? The work you do in your free time can be just as valuable as the work you do at the office (or wherever your job is); I don’t really see the difference.

I don’t want to derail this conversation, but this is something I still don’t really get about you (unless you’re insanely rich or something ;)).
As I see it, you put a lot of effort in the work you do in your free time, so why not make some money off it? Your game IS a product of your work, and if you can enjoy some financial return from your work, then why not? The work you do in your free time can be just as valuable as the work you do at the office (or wherever your job is); I don’t really see the difference.
I’m communist, I think that our lives are more important than the profits. My game is not a product, it is rather a modest gift offered to the community. I’m not rich, I come from a very poor family, I work as an engineer/researcher in computer science. I feel very happy when someone tells me that my game has been useful by any way, it is my social contribution, I like sharing. I really think that sharing should be the rule, not only an option. I help people to find flats, jobs, internships, etc… I share my knowledge. When I was a child, I was sad because I couldn’t afford many video games. I can’t sell a game, really. I understand that you find me strange, it is not a problem for me.

I don’t want to derail this conversation, but this is something I still don’t really get about you (unless you’re insanely rich or something ;)).
As I see it, you put a lot of effort in the work you do in your free time, so why not make some money off it?
(At the risk of derailing the conversation further…)
It’s not just communists who share Julien’s view on this. The idea of making money from a hobby seems contradictory to me. Sort of like taking your first golf lesson and asking the instructor how long it’s likely to be before the cash starts flooding in. :wink:

I have to agree on that . I work with telecom billing systems, and the people who know that I write games keep asking me why I don’t find a job as a game programmer . But I’m sure if I try to work with this, it will spoil my pleasure because it won’t be a hobby anymore : it’ll be just work .

(However I wouldn’t mind if anybody paid for the games I make as a hobbist :wink: )

Oh I dunno about that :slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile:

Making money from a hobby is contradictory in my humble opinion because then it is no more a hobby. I remind I’m communist for some other reasons, I chose the GPL not to bother people but because I consider sharing should be the rule.

I know what you’re talking about. I tried to help a friend on a commercial project and I became quickly demotivated because the money spoiled me the pleasure of creating anything. If someone gives me some money to compensate the money that I spent when I used JMonkeyEngine, I won’t refuse but I don’t want to earn money with my project.

Personally I find there’s no better genuine measurable indication of appreciation than when someone gives me money for things I do. Otherwise the things I do are, quite literally, worthless.

Cas :slight_smile:

I think there is a huge difference between:

  • Here, have a lump of money, now implement this game I have decided!
  • Wow, what a cool game you have made, have some of my money.

I don’t agree, the most valuable thing is shown in this video:

@krasse - haha :slight_smile:

@markus.borbely - indeed there is a massive difference! I can’t tell you how much better it is to be truly working for myself now than it is to work for The Man. I couldn’t do an actual job as a games programmer or designer. I wonder if gouessej had a go at making a game for sale and quitting his job he might feel very differently about it all. Well, he definitely would, coz otherwise he’d starve and end up living in the French equivalent of a cardboard box (some sort of chateau in the South of France I bet, hehe).

Cas :slight_smile: