Thank you for your suggestion.
At first, since I began using Java, I have had more problems with applets than with Java Web Start and I don’t want to depend on browser bugs (whereas I have been able to work around existing bugs of Java Web Start). The ancestor of TUER is still an applet and I made this switch in 2006 for good reasons.
Secondly, I’m not interested in creating a FPS playable inside a browser, it is only a matter of taste. I prefer full screen games running outside the browser, heavy applications, heavy clients, I’m not interested in developing sandboxed applications.
Thirdly, I remind you that Chrome badly supports applets using Java Deployment Toolkit whereas my own fix for Chromium/Chrome allows Java Web Start to work fine.
Fourthly, I don’t want my game to become a billboard for advertising, it is completely against my political positions. If a few people want to give some money, that is fine but this is not important. I understand that some developers make games to earn money but I already have a job and I don’t see my own project as a product. I quickly get discouraged when money comes to my projects… The pre-beta version of TUER will contain more and more political messages in a near future, it would be nonsensical to mix them with ads, I would not be credible.
Finally, lots of people here already know my opinion concerning LWJGL. The pre-beta version of TUER “can” work with LWJGL, I have done nothing in the source code neither to prevent it nor to drive it more complicated but I will never use it in my own projects. JOGL will always be the default Java binding for OpenGL of my game.