I have to disagree with you Axeman! I think the music sounds good. Not perfect but certainly not unpleasant either.
Gameplay looks fun and I really like the coherent art style!
I have to disagree with you Axeman! I think the music sounds good. Not perfect but certainly not unpleasant either.
Gameplay looks fun and I really like the coherent art style!
Just so there are no misunderstandings: I didn´t say the music is upleasant. I was talking about the melodysound, the cheesy distorted guitar that just never sounds pleasing. To my ears at least.
If this was an ordinary homebrew game I wouldn´t complain about the music as little as I would complain about poor graphic skills. After all, there are a lot of us guys lacking skills in music and drawing but we really like to make games and no one should be put down because of this. But this game looks so polished so why would you settle for music that isn´t on par with the graphic design or gameplay? So you have to understand my critique: This game looks like it can be great, so why not let it be great all the way?
@Axeman, @greenOwl Thanks for your comment. I’ll talk with the music guy ;D
Finally! Here you have The Intergalactic Trashman public pre-alpha 1!
This is our first milestone, and it’s just a “techdemo”. Currently, the game lacks of many things, but we already have a lot of plans for the next milestone. Be aware of bugs/paranormal activities inside the game ;D (and send it to us via forum or webpage contact form, please!).
Give it a try and tell us what you think about the game in every aspect (gameplay, design, music, sound…) We need your feedback to improve!
Thank you all for your support!
GloveCat Studio
[s]- Windows (.exe file, with bundled JRE (java 7 NOT required)):
TIT Public Pre-Alpha Review 3 (Windows .EXE)
Twitter: @glovecat
VERY IMPORTANT: Please, read README.txt file! And use ‘E’ (action key) to select the desired option in the menu & game over.
Wow it’s amazing. It runs a little slow for me which doesn’t really bother me. The graphics are incredible. My only criticisms are that I find the controls very awkward and it’s extremely easy to damage the ship. Brilliant job though. I’ll post more criticisms when I have any.
EDIT: How do I get into a factory? I’m next to a door on a planet but it doesn’t allow me to enter.
I played around for about 10-15 mins and am quite impressed with how “slick” the graphics felt. I did not get into a factory however so I can only comment on the space section.
The stand out annoyance to me was the level of zoom… it was far to close for the speed that you travel at… i could only go very slow or risk running into obstacles that were off screen but will be on screen in the next couple of seconds and thus unavoidable… in fact i did not really fly using the main screen at all, my vision was always on the mini map.
I was not sure what i was doing on planets and also why on some planets i could disembark and on others i could land but not disembark.
I had no issue with the music, it fit the space-theme, it did seem randomly generated though?
Over all, very good start!
@Troubleshoots We want allow you to edit controls. If you look at the launcher there’s a “controls” button (it doesn’t work yet). About the ship damage, we’re thinking to increase its endurance
@moogie We’ll talk about the level of zoom You said:
[quote]on some planets i could disembark and on others I could land but not disembark
In which planets couldn’t you disembark? It’s allowed to disembark on all planets :o And about the music, it isn’t randomly generated
FACTORIES: If you want to get into a factory you need to find a stick over the surface of a planet. You have to do the same if you want to open one of the stargates. You should take a look on the map that is included in the game (open “map” folder).
Thanks for your feedback
I managed to get into the factory and got through the first room, however it gets quite difficult especially with lag. When you have to jump on to a platform and there’s an enemy there, you have to get your weapon out very fast and shoot very fast because otherwise they do a lot of damage and it’s really easy to die. I don’t really like the way that holding a weapon stops you jumping off walls and limits the jumping height. Also I couldn’t seem to climb down ladders, I just fell. I’m not sure if that’s meant to happen.
I’d suggest adding a quick tutorial to show players how to play. It took me a while to realise I should collect the gold coins and I never even realised you had to use the levers to open the factory and star gate.
After a while I got used to the speed and the zoom. I found the default controls difficult; I’d prefer to use the arrow keys for movement and space to shoot. I could disembark on all planets so I’m not sure why you couldn’t.
My mistake, i think it was user error i attempted to disembark on some planets and i was able to
I know most devs hate it when this happens but the game is completely unplayable for me. I cannot really say anything about gameplay as I couldn’t really get that far. Here are some of the issues take them or leave them as I tested on a first gen i processor with integrated graphics as optimus sucks bollocks.
First loading time is very long. Load time into a game is maybe 80% as long as it takes to start a civ5 game. I do not know why but very long loading time.
Fps is very load. Again about what I get on civ5 with load graphics settings 15-20fps. I think that is playable for crappy integrated graphics chip so don’t worry about fps.
Weird graphics glitching. Starts out normal. Hit something and instantly die (kinda turned me off) and asks to restart. I say yes and can only see the lower left corner of the screen everything else is black. Similar artifacts when loading and changes screens. This remains until I die again and it returns to normal but then repeats.
Well I just tested with a lower resolution (800x600) and loaded very fast.
Here are some screens.
Notes. Integrated chips supports I think opengl 2.3 or 2.4. Computer is an i5 first gen 4 gig of ram. It has a geforce 420 discrete card that is only used when HDMI is plugged in. :cranky:
Can’t say much about gameplay but I think it is a tad too easy to die. Little bit of speed and bam dead. I do not like the style of controls so it may be that I really really suck.
Take everything with a grain of salt as this is one system that it has issues on and it may be on my end. Actually, it is most diffidently on my end some how. My computer just sucks.
Keep up good work and thanks for releasing a demo. ;D
Already a good game, but not perfect yet.
As noted above, the controls feel sometimes very weird, f.e. there is no mouse usage so why not use the arrow keys?.
Also dying is way too easy, maybe not when you are playing for ours, but it is not very newbie friendly at the moment and having to draw your weapon instantly after jumping on a platform to not get a lot of damage even increases this effect.
Personally I would like it more if the scenery rotated and the rocket was static, but this could be just me…
At all it is absolutely a nice little (or not that little) game and could become really really great, but, well, not yet.
Not so good:
Overall this has loads of promise - very nice design and graphics, interesting and different gameplay, keep it up
@Troubleshoots @StumpyStrust
We’ve to improve the performance. We know that it running so slow on some computers.
@Troubleshoots @Drenius
About the jumping/shooting system, we’ll make some changes.
[quote]I say yes and can only see the lower left corner of the screen everything else is black.
We don’t know why it happens (yet).
I’m glad to hear that
We’ll improve the endurance of the ship and about the game crash I think that it’s fixed now. Please, download it again
Thanks for your feedback!!!
Windows (.exe file, with bundled JRE (java 7 NOT required)):
TIT Public Pre-Alpha Review 3 (Windows .EXE)
ALL (.jar file, include a .sh script for linux, java 7 REQUIRED):
TIT Public Pre-Alpha Review 3 (JAR All platforms)[/s]
Here you are a new version of The Intergalactic Trashman We’ve fixed/included some stuff that you told us.
These are the new fixes/features we’ve included:
P.S.: We’ve tested the game with a Xbox 360 gamepad and a Thrustmaster Dual trigger gamepad PS2/PC 3.2.
Those critters look too innocent for me to murder!
Look! He has a little smile! He is happy to see you! He wants a hug!
Looks good however I’ve noticed a bug. When you explode the ship, you have to press enter to select the option, then you respawn but you can’t move.
@wessles They seem innocent but if you meet with one of them you realize that they’re bloodthirsty murderers :o
@Troubleshoots Thanks for report the bug I’ve uploaded a new fixed version.
You don’t know that!
Good.color == Color.green
Evil.color == Color.red
See? MATH!
This game is really shaping, but you may want to give a more in depth tutorial. It is a bit confusing when you get on land, and you miss reading the tutorial. There should be a more hands-on approach to tutorials. Took me forever to try to land ON the gas station, not just walk into it from the planet.
The overworld space-level is amazing, and flows well into the actual platformer! The enemies variety is great, and the art is amazing.
I really love how everything is coming together seamlessly!
Keep up the good work,
We’re alive. There is an explanation about the lack of updates: we’re working on the future crowdfunding campaign (artworks & a trailer that shows all the new and supercool features).
That’s the design/music work. About coding work, we’re including some new features and improving the overall game to support even more features (like conversations, the main character’s special habilities, and a lot of supersecret stuff :P)
Here you have an artwork, hope you like it! and thank you for your support and patience!
@wessles You may be right… but red is the coolest color ;D About tutorials you’re right, you’re not the only one that think it. We’ve to improve them. Thanks for your feedback
I’ll show you the new trashman’s weapon, the sword! :o Now, you can bash enemies without mercy and without spending ammo ;D
Is it cool enough for you? 8)
Having a problem:
Sris-iMac:TITPreAlpha1rev4 sriharshachilakapati$ sh trashman.sh
JavaVM WARNING: JAWT_GetAWT must be called after loading a JVM
JavaVM WARNING: JAWT_GetAWT must be called after loading a JVM
JavaVM WARNING: JAWT_GetAWT must be called after loading a JVM
Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Unable to create OpenGL display.
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglGraphics.createDisplayPixelFormat(LwjglGraphics.java:214)
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglGraphics.setupDisplay(LwjglGraphics.java:175)
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication.mainLoop(LwjglApplication.java:125)
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$1.run(LwjglApplication.java:110)
Caused by: org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Could not get the JAWT interface
at org.lwjgl.opengl.AWTSurfaceLock.lockAndInitHandle(Native Method)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.AWTSurfaceLock.access$100(AWTSurfaceLock.java:51)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.AWTSurfaceLock$1.run(AWTSurfaceLock.java:94)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.AWTSurfaceLock$1.run(AWTSurfaceLock.java:92)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.AWTSurfaceLock.privilegedLockAndInitHandle(AWTSurfaceLock.java:92)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.AWTSurfaceLock.lockAndGetHandle(AWTSurfaceLock.java:66)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.MacOSXCanvasPeerInfo.initHandle(MacOSXCanvasPeerInfo.java:57)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.MacOSXDisplayPeerInfo.doLockAndInitHandle(MacOSXDisplayPeerInfo.java:56)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.PeerInfo.lockAndGetHandle(PeerInfo.java:85)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.MacOSXContextImplementation.create(MacOSXContextImplementation.java:47)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.ContextGL.<init>(ContextGL.java:132)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Display.java:847)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Display.java:754)
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglGraphics.createDisplayPixelFormat(LwjglGraphics.java:210)
... 3 more
Sris-iMac:TITPreAlpha1rev4 sriharshachilakapati$
I had experienced this with my own on mac and updating to a new version of LibGDX solved the problem in my case. Please update to the latest version.