The Intergalactic Trashman - PLAYABLE ALPHA AVAILABLE!!!

I think I’m about to die. That character is so cute. >_<

Can you give us some details about how your physics engine works, and how you load levels? I’d like to see the technical side of things.

  • Jev.

@wesley.laferriere @Drenius
We thought to add grids and portholes because pipes are made by different overlapped parts and if we change the opacity of them the connections will be visible. But maybe it’s a good idea to reduce the opacity. I’ll talk about it with my colleagues.

Our physics engine is Box2D. The main character is made up of six fixtures:

  • Two arms that are sensors used to detect walls where the main character can be gripped.
  • Upper body, lower body and feet (upper body is turned off when the main character crouches) that are related with collides with the environment, detection of damage sources and as well as doors, lightnings and sticks.
  • Feet sensor that detects the sort of surface where is walking the main character or if it isn’t in contact with any surface in order to launch the falling animation.

All the movements of the main character are done by linear impulses but always checking that he doesn’t exceed the maximum linear velocity.

I use damping when the main character climbs stairs and grips a wall. A high damping when he climbs to avoid the falling of him and a low damping when he grips a wall to reduce the falling speed.

I talk about the main character because I think that it’s the most interesting point, but if you want information about something different, you only have to ask it.

About the data saving, all the elements of a map are serializable objects. Those objects have a Type, Subtype and a Specific Type and stores colour, rotation, the layer where they belong and a lot of parameters of each kind of object (on/off time, elements controlled by a stick…). Then, when a map is loaded, new objects are created using the parameters previously stored.

One of our designers is working on the weapons designs (Pistol, Shotgun and Assault rifle)

The “weapon” will transform itself into different weapons (we’ll show you an animated gif of that transformations)

Which option do you prefer for the pistol design?

Any feedback/criticism will be apreciated :smiley:

I liked C better, it suits well with your character. Also, when are you going to release a demo?

What scale will they be at?

I’m debating on B or C. A looks very normal.

Some details about my opinion. (Just for fun)

A is looking very normal. Seen this type in some games (not exactly).
B is nice but there is no place for the characters finger to hold the trigger.
C is nice some gap to place the finger. It’s design gives me a thought that it can fire with lot of damage with good accuracy.
D seems not to work since it didn’t had a trigger at all.

A, B, C or D, I like them all :smiley: Man, you have some very good designers in your team, I am amazed each time I look in your thread again…

Im curious, with which framework is this written?
Please tell me its also coming to OUYA, I love to play games like this on my Ouya :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for your opinion guys! :smiley:

People in other forums and some friends of us have choosen B or C.


Good question. We’re still discussing it :smiley:


I didn’t realize it, I’ve to talk whith the designer seriously >:(

We wanted to release a demo at the end of this month… but it’s impossible, we still have a lot of things to do. You’ll have to wait at least two month (being optimistic) :frowning:

We use libGDX but we haven’t planned release the game on Android. Maybe in the future…

We’ve tested option B, because the shotgun looks better (IMO) :smiley:

What do you think?

P.S.: Pay attention to the weapon morphing.

I like it :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work!

  • Jev

This game has the best Artist-Coder cooperation I have ever seen!

I like it! It’s awesome!

@kpars @wesley.laferriere @SHC Thanks! :smiley:

Currently I’m adding the new weapons animations and working on the new Shooting/Aiming system. With the new system our hero will be able to shoot upward and downward.

Hi! Here I come to show you how one of our designers - Marina - has made a stargate. Stargates connect space exploration stages with special (arcade/puzzle) space stages.

This is the final stargate :

The stargate itself is composed of this three images:

And the center of the stargate is composed of this five images:

Using Spine, she has done a cyclic animation for the stargate (when our hero still not entered in it)

But that’s not all! We wanted to made a great stargate so, Marina has made two particles effects:

This one:

Using this image:

And this one:

Using this image:

And putting them together:

What do you think? :slight_smile:

We really hope you like it!

Looks familiar.

I love it!
Also, any ideas on what you’re gonna name the little guy?

  • Jev.

Nice! They are awesome!

I have a suggestion for the name: Bob.

Looks familiar my ass! ;D more like this

I’m glad you like it :smiley:

@kpars We’ve no idea about the name ;D We’ve to think many things about the main character’s background.

@zngga I think that @kpars was talking about the circular particle effect xD

@wesley.laferriere Why Bob?

Why not? ;D
Really, I just happened to have remembered a cartoon (blanking on the name) at the time. The main character’s name was Bob. I don’t know why it popped into my head! Anyways, Bob at one point worried he would become a garbage man.
1000 ‘obscure reference that you get’ points to who knows the name of the cartoon.