Revenge of the Titans

95% broken drivers (Linux and Windows)
5% broken sound (nearly all Windows, nearly all as a result of OpenAL32.dll in Windows system directory, a very few extra weird Linux sound configs)
<1% Mac (Mac user still on Java 1.4.2, broken since LWJGL moved to v2.6)

Cas :slight_smile:

You really should move over to using “org.lwjgl.librarypath” instead of “java.library.path”, should solve the above issue.

I can’t believe I didn’t know about that :S I’ll fix that in the first patch of the new year…

Cas :slight_smile:

you should pay more attention :slight_smile:

I see you have Tycho hooked.

[quote]But it isn’t true that I haven’t played games, it’s just that I haven’t plowed time into the sort of “Triple A” retail excursions that tend to define coverage here and elsewhere. I’ve been playing the awesome retro-inflected Revenge of the Titans from Puppygames.

came across this little ROTT interview :slight_smile:

So that’s what Cas looks like?
Hmm, explains a lot…

Interesting reading!

Haha, now you know :slight_smile: Actually there’s already a picture of me here in the forums as my avatar. Albeit one that’s 15 years old.
Now Chaz, he’s the mystery figure…

Cas :slight_smile:

Somehow I always imagined Chaz to look something like that ;D

Hello everyone, we just radically overhauled Revenge of the Titans. Chances are you’ll get on with it much better than you may have done in the past. Give it a whirl and let me know what you think.

The changes are too long and complex to list here… just suck it and see!

Cas :slight_smile:

I forget does it have a self updater? I got it a long while ago directly from you. Or can I just download the demo and enter some license number that will be in my email somewhere?

No, you’ve got to download it again. Just install it over the top of the old one, it stays registered.

Cas :slight_smile:

I like this game very much!
It has improved much since I tested it the last time.

Good to know, I was hestitant to test it for the same reasons.

It would be pretty crappy if it didn’t wouldn’t it :slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile:

It has gotten [i]significantly/[i] better than it was before. Congrats. I think it’s still a bit too difficult because it’s near impossible to determine where the enemies will walk (as opposed to typical tower defense games where they can just go anywhere), but then again I’m playing on the hardest difficulty.

Sounds like successful tuning to me.

hmm, wasn’t ROTT suppose to hit Steam like 2 days ago? don’t see anything there yet, any news on this?

It sorta got pushed back to Wednesday. Ho hum.

Cas :slight_smile: