Revenge of the Titans

Yeah in many ways, it’s a success, but increasingly the only yardstick is financially. It sounds really breadhead sell-out un-hippy un-cool anti-indie but the bottom line is that people show you how good your game is by laying money on the line for it. And an indie dev company survives on money, not compliments. No money - no more games.

Cas :slight_smile:

How do revenue streams for content hosted on Steam work?

From the perspective of a cheapskate like myself, Steam seems to be a fantastic way of achieving impulse purchases that you would otherwise never get.
In my case they’ve sold me 64 budget/indy titles that I otherwise would have never bought!

Steam’s a crafty sales generator. We’ll be on Steam soon with Revenge, and I hope to maybe scrape $1,000 a month from it over the course of the year.

Cas :slight_smile:

no plans to appear on live, psn or wiiware? any of the Ultrabundle games would work pretty nicely on consoles.

Ultratron 360 been out for ages on XBLIG. Titan Attacks 360 is already done just not released. Paul Cunningham did the ports to XNA. He’s just started on Droid Assault which will feature 4 player Gauntlet style co-op.

If we do well with HIB2 I might contract out someone to port Revenge to iOS. It won’t be easy.

Cas :slight_smile:

Raises hand

That is, if I satisfy my dreams of quitting my job and trying to fend for myself. Which very well could happen. Anyway, look me if you decide to do this, I’ve got good experience porting Java to iPhone, and I basically breathe Objective-C at this point (it means I get sick a lot). :slight_smile:

I finally got around to buying and playing RotT. Very nicely polished! Impressive. A little feedback:

I found the first boss too difficult. I can stop the swarm that comes from every side and do about 75% damage to the boss, but I can’t kill it. Reducing the level difficulty after losing is not an option IMO!

I would like tooltips for the options I cannot buy. Without this, I can’t formulate a plan for what upgrades to buy, I have to buy blindly.

Having this on PSN would be great and I hear it’s quite a good market, but it’s not easy to get there.
Some ideas to help make Sony interested:

  • Make it great with a dualshock (or similar).
  • Lay out a plan of what the control scheme would be like with the PS Move controller.

In any case, RooT should not become a ‘Mini’ but should be a full PSN game.
It might seem like a long shot, but I really feel Puppygames has got a lot to show for (awards, quality & polish), and I seriously think RooT would really suit PSN!

PSN have already contacted us about our games. Unfortunately… they all need porting to C++ to work. Hmm.

Cas :slight_smile:

Maybe you could try compile the jre on ps3? at least the core bits, might be easier then porting the whole game (including for future games).

You jest surely!

Cas :slight_smile:

I bought this out of the Indie bundle, and it won’t go past the lading screen. D:

However did you get this far :slight_smile: You need new graphics drivers!

Cas :slight_smile:

[quote]Unfortunately… they all need porting to C++ to work. Hmm.
So what’s stopping you?

Being incredibly busy :slight_smile: I’m doing about 50 support emails a day at the moment as well as fixing buglets, tweaking, releasing, blog managing, and generally being flat out all the time. Then I need to get everything ready for Steam, then I need to start designing the New Game, and so on…

Cas :slight_smile:

Oh wow, you actually need to support the stuff you’re selling. That’s an eye opener :o

Somehow I thought it was like this:

  1. Release a great game
  2. Money flows in
  3. Early retirement somewhere sunny

Blizzard aren’t top dogs for no apparent reason :slight_smile:

In the first 24 hours of release I had ~300 support requests come in :confused:

Cas :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity, what is the most common “support” problem you have?

I have to say this game looks totally awesome, love the art too!