Revenge of the Titans

Same cut yes. We are crazy yes.

We are notch-tweetproof now, but not Humble Bundle proof. Our Amazon RDS instance was flattened with 150 simultaneous connections. Then it turns out it was a really n00bish mistake - our latest blog post is displayed on our homepage… hitting the database every time. Doh. So it should be a bit more steady now.

Cas :slight_smile:

Saw a link to Revenge of the Titans on Slashdot! You’ll probably get a lot of publicity now. Nice work!

[quote]“Revenge of the Titans is doing something very crazy: they are launching their game that they have been working on for quite some time directly into the bundle.”
Yea in fact it seems crazy at first but maybe it will work out! I would be interested to see what comes out of it.

Likewise. If it does as well as the first Humble Bundle, are you going to quit the day-job to work on it full-time?

Well, it looks like sales should be able to surpass 1M$ easily, so it could be a very wise choice. Possibly selling faster than minecraft even (for one week). I think the top contributor is a JGO memeber and an indie fan :smiley: Good stuff.

Hopefully the sales will go through the roof, so we don’t have to wait another 3 years for another puppygame :slight_smile:

You’re going to be adding multiplayer into ROTT? I wonder how that will work.

I just bought a copy of the Bundle. Probably the best game in it.

[quote]You’re going to be adding multiplayer into ROTT? I wonder how that will work.
That would be awesome.

Nice to see the Ultrabundle (the other 3 puppy games) also still on, with masses of traffic now going to the puppygames sites, its bound to help to sell a few of those too :slight_smile:

Hope you finally make it big this time, you deserve it after all these years :slight_smile:

Uhmmm… Markus just bought a copy for 2 THOUSAND dollars? Amazing to see that he’s giving something back to the indie community, how much did you get of that prinsec? :slight_smile:


Ha, that’s really cool of him. I’m glad to see he found some good ways to spend all that cash. :slight_smile:

No idea what Markus’ contribution distribution was but any way you look at it it’s a really nice gesture :slight_smile:

So it looks like we will finally realise the dream of being able to work full-time on a game, which is fantastic. We’re doing a multiplayer game next, but not a very normal one, and I’ll be posting details up as soon as we’ve agreed what we’re going to do. I expect we’ll have an alpha ready by next Christmas seeing as we’ve got a whole year to ourselves to do it (well, assuming sales of HIB#2 continue on at the cracking rate they’re at). I did think of multiplayer RoTT ideas but the game is architected in such a crappy way that would be stunningly hard to achieve, and besides, what would the other player actually be doing? :smiley:

The Ultrabundle is selling a few copies on the back of it all which is also nice, though it’s just pocket money really as it’s so cheap.

Cas :slight_smile:

Ideas for multiplayer:

  1. Each players base on either side of the map, endless hoard of enemies attack, last man standing wins :slight_smile:
  2. You could even have a cooperate player matches, e.g. 2v2 where each player has a base on a corner of the map, enemies spawn in the middle and players on the same team can shares funds with each other. Again, last player(s) standing win.
  3. Players buy enemies to send at the other base while at the same time defending their own.
  4. DOTA style maps, where you control portals, the more you control the more enemies attack the other side.

Meh, we have far more awesome ideas than that for the new game :slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile:

ah, was referring them for ROTT multiplayer but anyway cool to hear the new game will be even better :slight_smile:

Well, IMHO of course :slight_smile: No doubt everybody will be heavily influencing it throughout its development…

Cas :slight_smile:

I actually like the idea. But you would have to add RTS style moving units to conquer and defend the portals against the other players. Would be like adding a parallel gameplay.

Edit: or maybe not, simply add a way to guide the gydrahs to strategically important points.
Edit2: and make this work on android :wink:

Congratulations, Cas! Really awesome. I hope to be joining the ranks of self-supported indie devs sometime in the nearish future. Gotta start getting a hell of a lot better at completing games first, though…


Pretty cool, nearly 100 thousand bundles sold, $700 K dollars. If it’s all according to the default split, about 68% of that goes to the game devs, or roughly $470K. Five games, you do the math.

Not bad for a few days.

Looks like we know what notch will be doing over his xmas holiday, playing freshly bought indie games :slight_smile: nice one.

So far, the Humble Indie Bundle has paid for 7 months of development. RotT was in development for 3 years, so it ain’t much of a success yet.

Also, it’s rather sad that if it weren’t for the bundle, Revenge only made $20,000 otherwise. You do the maths… 3 years development, 3 developers. It’s taken an unprecedented internet phenomenon just to pay for a fifth of the development. This sucks really. It’s also sorta depressing to read on cesspits like TIGsource that people are actually complaining about the picture of the starving indie developer as being untrue if you donate less than a buck. Really, utterly, completely missing the point. Sometimes I just hate people.

Cas :slight_smile:

Yes, if you put it up like that, it’s not yet something you can survive on. Hopefully the sales won’t flatline when all this is over.

It’s too easy to dwell on the hypothetical. The game is a success in my head, maybe not in cash terms, yet, but in other aspects.

But perhaps this requires thinking about the marketing/sales model you’re using to sell your games. A stand-alone singleplayer is an outdated product concept? It seems multiplayer-community-oriented games are much more popular, and sell a lot more. (This is something I’m thinking about every day for my game I’m working on). Well, at least that seems to be what you’re going to do next anyway.

Ok, I think I’m way off topic now :slight_smile: I really like Eli’s idea about a nuke-bomb-dropping game…hmm…