Ludum Dare 30 (Connected Worlds)

You tried with Rust?


Last time I got away with it because I had all the weekend available. (and I dropped into the jam)
This time I only had 16 hours available out of my usual 24, and no option to join the jam instead.

I’m still continuing. I just now got to the design portion of the game.

Hopefully this will be fun.

28 hours left. I may go into the jam if I completely run out of time.

  • Jev

Using Piston I’m guessing? How did that go?

Nah. Used my own (extreme WIP) library that sits on top of gl-rs & glfw-rs. I pulled down the temporary repo after I gave up, but I’ll put it up again properly when it’s ready.

Once I patched up the bugs around using textures (when I say bugs I mean I forgot to finish texture loading before the compo :emo:), it worked okay. I found a few things that need to be smoothed out, so I should do better next time.

I think the biggest issue was that I was trying out entity component systems for the first time (Shameless plug: I made a library for it).

If you’re interested in Piston, the guy who started the project is making a 3D game ( Don’t think he’s going to finish either. :point:

Edit: Here’s all I had:

Latest commit message “Transforming to efficient structure” doesn’t sound time-efficient.

Yeah I am sure the guy with $400,000,000.00 in the bank doesn’t have Google Fibre right to his front door :stuck_out_tongue:

I have had basically no time at all ,
. I have 6 hours left :0

I’m doing pretty well. Honestly, this time I feel considerably better about the state of what I have than any of the previous competitions.

Same here. I feel like this is mostly because I wrote down a plan from the beginning, and I underestimated my abilities so that I wouldn’t try to create too large of a game.

It looks like we are just joining in :wink: had a big barbecue yesterday and needed some time to rest… we’re not sure yet if we get something completed for the jam, but we have a small idea… I will post an update, if we get something running :wink:

Finished my entry:
I think I did better than last LD.
Edit: added score and pausing

Finished my entry too:

You are all awesome. I only managed to make a prototype, not a full game. I thought the mechanics would be cool but in the end they didn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think that it is pretty cool. :point:

Finished my entry:

Yeah, it looks a lot like my warmup, but I swear I didn’t copy any code. Everything was made from scratch. This one even includes a cheap story, strange graphics, and mediocre main menu. :wink:

Going to play all of your games :wink:

I finished my entry as well:
I know I did better than last Ludum Dare with everything and had a lot of fun this time around!

I missed the deadline >:(, but here’s what I have after 24 hours =P (of total work). I wrote everything from scratch during the comp except my model loader.

@thedanisaur: Heh, did not participate, but suggested pretty much the same concept when hearing the theme :slight_smile:
Anyway, looks good.

Oh, yes! I participated:

You linked the screen shot, not the game itself! And with a name like ‘Dragon’ how do you expect us to find you!? We want to play!