Ludum Dare 28: "You Only Get One"

Oh, its so bad. This contest is seriously destroying my coding style! :slight_smile:

Things as basic such as tile collision detection just isn’t working, and I want to scream! I’m having a lot of fun though!

Edit: Quick update, got enemies rendered (I don’t actually know what they are yet!), and they follow the player. Text rendering is working, and I’ve decided to scrap collision detection for tiles for now. Next up is collision between entities and the secret power! You only get one power per level, and you can only use it once to kill the enemies. You have to survive for 20 seconds to get to the next level, and each level adds one new zombie. Screenshot:

It is the morning of Day 2. (for me)

Now I need to implement potatoes.

Some of these other ideas are looking really nice.

Keep Working!

Actually, my code is (relatively) tidy.

Here’s the worst part.

// Skeleton body;
body.setSkinForIden("Head", new Skin(TEX.getSubTexture(100, 8, 109, 20), 18, 24));
body.setSkinForIden("Body", new Skin(TEX.getSubTexture(128, 20, 120, 0), 16, 40));
body.setSkinForIden("*UpperArm", new Skin(TEX.getSubTexture(120, 12, 114, 0), 12, 24));
body.setSkinForIden("*LowerArm", new Skin(TEX.getSubTexture(120, 24, 114, 12), 12, 24));
body.setSkinForIden("*UpperLeg", new Skin(TEX.getSubTexture(114, 12, 109, 0), 10, 24));
body.setSkinForIden("*LowerLeg", new Skin(TEX.getSubTexture(114, 24, 109, 12), 10, 24));
body.setSkinForIden("*Foot", new Skin(TEX.getSubTexture(109, 8, 104, 0), 10, 16));

EDIT: Though technically not part of the code, the file I load the skeleton data from is worse: Pastebin Link

Trying load a sound via TinySound and it keeps telling me that the file cannot be found… Gah! :frowning:

I feel like you are doing way better than me at the moment! :stuck_out_tongue: The last half hour has been wasted trying to just load a damn file!! What are you using to play your sounds? :slight_smile:

Ah, see this is my first time actually using sound in my games. Silly me, I should have looked into it before the competition, but I guess that’s how it goes sometimes!

Well, I managed to load the file successfully. Now it’s saying wav files are unsupported when it specifically says in the docs that it is in fact supported. God.

Thanks, that looks great! I’ll have to look into how to set the sound level now. I’m going to have one more go at TinySound and then if it doesn’t work I’m finished with it!

This is the first time I’ve really used my skeletal animations ‘library’, but luckily, due lots of testing while developing it, it works fine.

Btw, has anyone seen Notch’s livestream? It looks like Santa going on a deforestation rampage. (EDIT: OVER 4000 viewers! Wow.)

Yeah, I saw it. Kind of jealous!

So kpars, I’m only getting a NPE using your code. How would you load a file in your resources folder?

Edit: Seems I need an InputStream.

Yeah, I shouldn’t have posted that. Woops. I’ll try EasyOGG, sorry for all the crap :stuck_out_tongue:

Too bad I won’t be entering due to school. Such problems. Wow!

Finals in 3 days, 1 essay worth 50% grade due in 2 days, 1 lit project due in 4 days :slight_smile:

Challenge Accepted?? :wink:

My favorite bug so far! The player and zombies leave behind a trail of blood and guts, which kinda looks cool :wink:

I like yours, I feel like its a chain reaction game to try to trade for the most potatoes you can get!

No, it’s not.

Remember: You only get one.

There is only one real potato.

Well, it seems you know your game better than I do! Congrats :wink:

Sounds cool though, how do you figure out what potato is real?

Sound works now! I converted my wav files over to ogg and it works beautifully :slight_smile: Almost done (sort of!).