Ludum Dare 28: "You Only Get One"

I’m so ready, I have a (hopefully) fun idea in mind, needs more developing though!

My game will be called PotatOne.

I’ll leave you to guess what it involves.

I was planning to it this go around but this is the weekend between the two midterm exam weeks. Wow school… thanks…
Next time I suppose :confused:

Lucky you, I have finals next week :frowning: Still, that’s not stopping me!

To avoid spamming the forum, I’m posting frequent updates at my blog here

My work so far:

Just wait until I get my skeleton animations working…

D: you guys are killing me
I want. So bad. No… gets dragged into the darkness by school books

Well, I realized my original game idea isn’t that great. Now I have to rethink everything… This is intense!

Edit: Two minutes later and I have an idea that I really like! Now to get some sleep and wake up in around 5 hours!

This is the last one for a while:

Good luck everyone else as you start. I probably have another hour or so before I go to bed.

I may have a little go later, dont really have time to do much D:

Not much, but this is my current progress:

Biggest thing I have done is all the rendering, and I have texture switching for the player. Now I need to add in some sort of enemy, text rendering (really easy), and then I need to finish the game! Could have the base game done by today and expand it if I want tomorrow! :slight_smile: I’m using my NEngine library to complete this, I never mentioned that.

Anyone else have updates?

Hells Yea. :slight_smile:
My game is called uniflagellate (Uni-Flaj-ulate)
It means “One Flagellum”

One Cell
One Flagellum
One Enemy (per level)

Each enemy you kill gets you [money_name] to spend on ridiculous upgrades for your cells like
machine guns or chain saws.

So far Ive finished assets.

That picture just there is so trippy :D.

Nice art! Way better than my blocky textures :wink:

Thanks!! ;D
I hope I can finish!

My idea is a smash-tv like game, where you only get one bullet for every enemy kill

So you gotta kill them before they spend this one bullet.

This is what we currently have:

It looks shitty, but thats because the background graphics are made by me :wink: My friend has already made some nice sprites for the persons, but currently I only display one specific (and yeah, not the whole person should be tinted :wink: ).

I think our idea could be best compared with a game like lost vikings (if we manage to complete it), where you control multiple units and have to get to a target zone…

Nice, cool idea!

is anyone else making code that makes their eyes want to bleeeed?!!?! :-X

Hahaha… reminds me of one of the threads here in the forum. Currently I’m cutting every corner I can find XD

I’m giving up.

My mouse has died and now i’m using something that can’t even be called a mouse, also I won’t be able to code tomorrow.

I shall try again when the stars align.

Good luck everyone :wink: