Ludum Dare 28: "You Only Get One"

It’s that time again!

If you haven’t already, you’ve missed all the theme voting, except for the final round. If you’re going to enter you had better go and vote. You haven’t really missed out on much this time though, as no wars broke out (TeamPotato vs. TeamNotato, LDTD vs. LDTO).

For those who don’t know, Ludum Dare is a competition where you have 48 hours (or 72 in the Jam) to make a game from a theme that is voted for prior to the competition. More info here.

If you haven’t entered before and have the weekend free, you should consider entering. It’s a great experience for learning how to finish a game, and work with time pressure.

Good Luck.

I personally won’t be entering using Java this time.
Instead I will be testing out Rust.
Of course if things go wrong, I’ll fall back to Java, but hopefully that won’t happen.

AAAAAAAAAND things went wrong. Java it is! (Rust is a bit incomplete and an important feature (@-pointers) were removed recently and haven’t been replaced yet)

(Sorry about double-posting, but this doesn’t really belong in the opening post)

I cant wait to enter this thing!
Thanks for posting about it, I never would have know about it otherwise! (+1)

I’ve been waiting for it for a month now! Can’t wait, it starts at 10 PM here in Ohio, U.S., so a bit unfortunate, but oh well! Time to see how I do under pressure :slight_smile:

I’m joining the jam compo with a friend. We both are excited since weeks :smiley: i just hope that we manage to complete our game :wink:

we’ll use libgdx (and some other tools for graphics and sfx).

I think here in europe (+1 GMT) it starts at 2 or 3 am, so we will start on saturday morning, after a good round of sleep and a nice breakfast.

do any of you have a blog or twitter account to follow? would be nice to see the progress (or the lack off :wink: ) from others here :wink:

wish you good look and much fun for the compo.

2 am in the EU. I may or may not enter this time I might limit myself to just a day I would like a weekend and I have school. Neat project for my CS class on tuesday though :smiley:

Starts at 3pm for me.

It sucks for Saturday, but it gives me plenty of time to polish up on Monday. Unfortunately last time I had school, so no Monday :frowning:
This time will be better as school is finished!

This time I’ll try and post more progress, due to having almost a whole extra day to work. Anything you put on the LD blog just gets buried under all the other posts, so I’ll put things up here.

Well, I have the whole morning to prepare. I think I’ll practice some pixel art (I’m currently working in a new style).

I want to try this, but it starts in 6 hours and I haven’t slept for two days.

Son of a biscuit

Sleep now. :point:

How do you normally host/distribute?
Ive never done this before. Normally when I want to send games to people I just use dropbox.
Im also interested in setting up a blog/update page thing (never done that before either).

Dropbox is fine.

I use it every time.

Dropbox + Google URL shortener to see how popular your download is :wink:

I’m really nervous, this is my first time and I just want to place decently in the rankings! I feel like if I managed to only get around 300th place or higher I would be devastated :stuck_out_tongue: Anything lower than 200 is my goal for now until I start coding!

The two times I got placings (one time I wasn’t able to rate games so I didn’t get placed due to lack of ratings), I got around the 400-500s.

Although my problem is that I make the game too hard, and that probably drags down everything else because they don’t enjoy the game as much.

This time I’ll do better.

In any case, it’s quite good, as there are over 1000, sometimes even more than 2000 participants.
But in the end it comes down to how many people rate your game, and what kind of people they are. (There are some who game the system and just rate everything unfairly)

I never realized there were that many people!
Alright, now I’ll shoot for 400s :wink:

Couldn’t had stuff to do.
Guess I’ll try this out anyway.

I love challenges, and even though I know I wont place anywhere near decent, I would like to see what people have to say/rate my stuff, considering I’ve only been messing with games for about two weeks now.

EDIT: I usually see people recording themselves doing EVERYTHING for the game, is this required?

No. Imagine if 2000 people did that. :o

If you want, you can silently make a game, upload it at the deadline, and leave it, but that doesn’t get you ratings, and isn’t very fun.

As long as the theme doesn’t suck, i’ll try to make the usual… trusty notch-like engine, 2d, pixel art, timelapse.

Man, the IRC channel is going crazy.

Theme: You Only Live Once Get One

You beat me to it.