if you are not a programmer, what would you be ?

“They said I could become anything, so I became an ‘X’”.

They said I could become anything, so I became a dog.

My dream job is be Evil Genius ::slight_smile: or free scientist
Or Evil Genius Scientist XD

(Be scientist not so fun like be scientist with loyal minions ;))

One can argue that governments are criminal by default, but lets not get TOO far off-topic :wink:

Wait…! You mean to tell me that Software Engineering has something to do with programming? D:

That’s why you should read 1st post first

[quote]if you are not a software engineer, a game developer, a web designer, or anything into computer science,
I understand why he said that. He want to see how far we are “out of track” without these code and shit.

My (hypothetical) giant ball pit and inflatable castle disagree.

Another good question would be: what do you want to do when you are at 50? Do you want to still be a programmer? I’m 37 and have been programming over 20 years. Man, I’m tired of this. Working as a programmer will get you mad sometime in the future… I’d like to make programs/games just for fun and not to earn money.

Computer science is very volatile. When you learn something, the stuff is already old and this is very disappointing…

Answering the original question, I would be a pianist, for sure!

I always planned to become an author when I turned 40. Now, here I am, at 40. Hmm.

Cas :slight_smile:

Go for it. They say it only takes 15 minutes of writing a day to write a book in a year.(Cliche)

I would be a military pilot.

Then what are you doing here? Go to casino ;D

heu… retired ??

I will still be. No, actually I really wonder how programming ecosystem looks like 30y from now.

However that may turn into hobby only, not a real job (dunno if my back and neck can hold until 50 :P).

I’ll probably be a graphics designer or writer. I quite like designing things :smiley:

Blegh, that’s insanely boring and mind-numbing man. You shouldn’t stop working, you should work less.

If we’re talking about being retired from one’s profession/occupation/career… then that’s a pretty cool thing to strive for upon hitting 50 if it’s brought about by the lack of need to work due to being financially independent enough. I see it as an opportunity to spend more time with family and pursue other interests full-time without having to worry about earning money.

But if we’re talking about just idling around the house and sleeping, eating, watching TV and doing a lot of nothing… then I agree that’s definitely boring and mind-numbing.

Probably not… I have some collegues here that are around 60 and still developing… they need the job because of the insurance and all other benefits that they will loose when retire.

God, I missed some replies but…

Yeah… that was the joke…

I love this thread. Totally! The different phases of this thread: 1. Bringing up examples: The examples start being serious and end in nonsense like 'A girl' or 'Dead'... 2. Discussion phase: Big discussions start to form out of very deep questions like 'What will you do, when you're 50?' or 'Why is being a girl better, or why not?' or 'What am I doing wrong, if I'm 50 and don't like programming anymore?'... Yeah, some of those questions and answers aren't 100% serious, though :) 3. Dumb idiot starts interpreting something out of a thread makes useless theses+ ...

you hurt my feelings

Guess I take this thread too seriously.

  1. Someone random comes along and makes a pointless comment. :wink:

Anyway, an adjustment to my answer:

Architect, or Author, or Physicist (because Physics are Awesome)