if you are not a programmer, what would you be ?

A girl.

Saboteur. It appeals to my pyro side.

Painter or Musician (even when I programmer I want also be them =))

In real life, if I was not a programmer by money nothing was change(at all ^^),
but on the prospects I could count the promoter work as high work =)
(and like programmer I have many prospects to work. The Only problem I can’t find it XD)

You know if people consider going into criminality its usually hitman, bank robber or simply organized crime. But Saboteur… even the job title just oozes cool. Its a very overlooked thing to be.

A Human…

Hm… Not so fun in the end, I guess…

The truth:

Programming Html

who says it has to be criminal? the government might want North Korea’s nuclear program to unexpectedly launch itself into the silo door…
or maybe more Iranian centrifuges need to explode…

if it were criminality, i’d be Michael Westen

Soccer player.


What? :o

Software Engineer.

Meatball maker.

Animator… Digital Artist… Voice Actor…

A Teacher or Formula One driver.

Knowing your situation and background, I know you’re not kidding :-X


Hey both were also dreams of mine when I was younger! ;D

As a non-programmer, you actually have to worry about your looks. I’d opt for the operation from which I’d wake up as a girl with pointy black hair. I’d plan to pay back the medical bills within three to five months by attending bars and reselling generously offered free drinks, then simply cover my expenses and save up for a holiday. Really, it’s so much easier being a girl.

It’s so much easier being a girl…when you don’t have to deal with periods and giving birth. :slight_smile:

Baddummmm Tsssssss!!

The alt text:

Actually… A student… studying to be a programmer.

My dream job was always to be in Movie Special Effects. Like smoke and mirrors, and latex; no computers. :slight_smile: Go figure.

Nothing in clarity. Maybe a Tutor in Computer Science or Chemistry.

Not valid.

That should be still related. And there is not phrase such as “Programming Html”. I accept “scripting” though.