
Yeah, art is still being worked on. Most of what you see is placeholders, so yeah… You’ll see better stuff this Saturday! :smiley: Playable version in a few weeks maybe?

Sorry, couldn’t do an update yesterday! :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, HeroesGrave is doing art for the game now, and it’s looking a tons better now. He’s still making more :smiley: I’ve made a new monster called an Endwek:

I also added a healthbar and a stamina bar as you can see. I’ll probably texture that as well.

Since I now have 2 monsters, I will begin wave generation and map design. A playable version will be available soon! :smiley:

This is looking really good. looks fast and playable.
You have lots of things in there working. Will give this a try when it’s ready :slight_smile:

Thanks. :smiley:

Alright, this week’s update. I couldn’t do as much either because this week was the last week of school. :smiley: Now i can do more though. So anyway:


  • Added multiplayer code(you can only see eachother)
  • Worked on the map
  • Created a decorations system
  • Added a shotgun
  • Wave generation

I’m planning to have a lot of stuff finally textured in the next update. And I’ll also have a complete video of gameplay as well.

This week’s update:

  • Added helicopters
  • Added a sniper + shotgun
  • Began on the map
  • Wave generation is now implemented
  • Created AI for the monsters so they attack you now
  • Gameplay is now in! I just have to get text working and then I can release something presentable.
  • All weapons are now functional(they can kill)
  • Added giant monsters(bosses of some sort?)
  • Added 4 sound effects

Here are a few pictures of the update:

(Stupid Kage got in my way when I was taking the picture D:)

Giant Monster! :smiley:

Helicopters that will [assist]/[attempt to kill] you. Its wings do rotate :smiley:

I’ve also tested multiplayer with a friend, and movement appears to be smooth. Once I finish gameplay, I will add that content to multiplayer. I’m planning to host a lobby server that will redirect all playing people to another game server when they want to play with friends etc. Would this be viable or should I just give out the server files for people to host themselves so others can play? I want to keep statistics of playing time somehow or another.

Looks great! When do you think a playable version will be available? :smiley:

I am already able to play it.

I have a few requests at hand Agro. I would like to do 3D Modelling for your game. I have an SDK tool that I created known as UX2 SDK. It can create maps and export them to OBJ specifically for your game if you so wish.
Previews of the SDK (Click to see Full Resolution: 1920x1080):

Their effects in my engine (Click to see Full Resolution: Various Resolutions):

With that proper demonstration, would like to make some models for your game using the same SDK.

~Clara ✿

Gee whiz, that looks good. I’ll PM you for models o:

And did you do that stuff in Java?

Alright :slight_smile:

Actually, I did it in GML. Kind of contradicting for this place being Java but its OBJ Exporter is all that you need. I am learning Java and have intentions on remaking this SDK in such language in the near future.

~Clara ✿

Wow… this looks pretty awesome for a first time! Keep up the great work and try to add some gameplay elements into it! I would love to play it then.

Gameplay is done, I just need to add text somehow to make it look more in-depth.

I think no one saw this, but:

I’m planning to host a lobby server that will redirect all playing people to another game server when they want to play with friends etc. Would this be viable or should I just give out the server files for people to host themselves so others can play? I want to keep statistics of playing time somehow or another.

It depends. Do you have a really good server? If so, just host all the lobbies on there. I am guessing that you don’t, however, which is fine! So, what I would would do is create a master server that collects information from all the other player servers. It would keep track of all the lobbies, all the players and whatever else you need. Then you distribute the server and the client and let people host their own games!

I think you should distribute the server files in the client package and let users, if they wish to
run a server.
And then you run a lobby server/master server which acts as the server list.
The game servers will then send queries to the master server notifying about its existance.

Master server > Game server(s) > client

Game server > Hey master, I am now alive. Wanna show me to the world? > Yeah sure!

Okay, this week’s update, I’m getting close to finishing this stuff up:


  • Added the shop
  • Added bitmap font rendering
  • Added a HUD
  • Fixed some gameplay error stuffs
  • Added sniping with quickscoping
  • Added weapon recoil
  • Added more sounds
  • Headshots :smiley:
  • Currency system
  • There is now gameplay 8D

Now here are some pictures:

I dont know what this is but I can use it for osmething maybe?

^ Postal Stand

Looking good though with those models in :slight_smile:

Maybe you have to defend that monument from the monsters?

So… when are you going to have texturemapping on the weapons?

This reminds me of AdventureCraft for some reason. Maybe b/c of how it’s minecraft, minus block breaking. Hope you make a level editor!

@iDesty what is that?

@Hero yeah, i was thinking about that, right now its just a lame control point:

@kpars Yeah, sorry, iDesty does all the texture mapping for me, but she’s moving or something right now so I can’t get them. Yeah, it’ll look a lot better when its textured.

@wesley I might make a level editor and all, but I’m going to help make this game moddable and stuff

I understand. That is my pet peeve with my games.’ If its not modder friendly, it’s not worthy of anything!