
Alright, so the weekly update! :smiley:


  • Added sphere-plane intersection for walls, floors, and ramps
  • Added kages
  • Added basic spawning
  • Optimized rendering
  • Added sentry guns
  • Redesigned trees
  • Added retrievable ammo

Woah! Looks really cool! Perhaps we can get a download of this?

Alright, this weekā€™s update. I didnā€™t really do that much because of finishing up school work(yearā€™s almost over).


  • Added crossbow weapon
  • Added skybox
  • Added some simple wave control
  • Art looks even more inconsistent
  • Added ramps(still a bit buggy due to floating point errors)
  • Added rendering optimizations
  • Worked on the twin blaster

The art is looking kind of horrible now. Can anyone PM me with some help? It wonā€™t be that much, maybe just something for those buildings and the skybox.

I made you some wood:

I tried to keep it similar to the current style.
It tiles fine.

If you need anything else, or a different style, let me know. :slight_smile:

Alright, thanks alot! Iā€™ll put in in right now. I have another request. Right now Iā€™m using miencraft stone texture for a sidewalk/path. Could you make a stone/path texture that fits the style? :slight_smile: thanks

Wasnā€™t sure what kind of road you were looking for, so I made 2:

The second one tiles very nicely despite being a little bit random*:

*It was not random. It looks random, but itā€™s not. It took lots of careful placement. :slight_smile:

I thought Iā€™d contribute and make a grass texture. I also used Heroesā€™ stone texture to make a grass lining for the stone.

Here are the results with your stone, hero:

^ I love this one

It looks really good. :smiley: NegativeZero, i think your grass is a bit too realistic, meaning that if I upscale it, it gets really discolored. Iā€™ll keep on trying different filters to see if I can get anything with it. I think something more pixelated would match the graphics

Oh and hero, you might see your wood in the corner of the second image, I havenā€™t correctly UV textures it yet xD

My attempt at grass:

It might be a bit too green.

Ps: I like my second stone better.

Hi, I uploaded a video of Deathsiege to just show it in action. Frame rate is ok ):


The video isnā€™t playing for me :(.
However I can tell youā€™re on Ubuntu, what format is the video in?

Its an OGV format. YouTube accepted it thankfully. Few people saw it, no idea why it isnā€™t working for you. :frowning:

Let me try loading it in a different browser.
Iā€™m using Opera, which makes sense why it wouldnā€™t work.

Opera never gets any love :frowning:

Hrm, for some people it worked, others it didnā€™t starting now. Iā€™m going to reupload it.

Alright, I fixed the video. I updated the first and previous post:


WOW! Looks great! ;D

Any chance you can possibly upload some sort of applet so we can play it for ourselves?

The game itself is an applet. I created a launcher that makes use of AppletStub so I can use that as a patcher, and it will be easy to get running in browser, so yeah, maybe a week or 2. Iā€™m designing the map format with a friend, and collisions are almost done. :slight_smile:

Have you got the texture coords for the buildings fixed yet? Iā€™d like to see if my wood texture fits nicely. :slight_smile:

Indeed. :slight_smile:


EDIT: whoops

It looks great, but the scaling needs to be changed.

The grass texture is really high res, the wood texture is really low res, and the stone/cobblestone texture is in the middle.
The wood probably isnā€™t mapped correctly, but I would try making it bigger. :stuck_out_tongue: