3D Turnbased Roguelike (LWJGL)

3D Turnbased Roguelike (LWJGL)

This is a new project I have just started.
It will be a random generated Rougelike with turn based events.
Player will movement will be grid based. Enphasis will be on stratagy.

This is progress so far.


3d models are made using 3 x 2D low res sprites

I have yet to decide on the final visual style, so graphics are designed to debug lighting etc.

Really nice!

Not much to say ^^

Are you optimizing the room geometry? (It looks like so when looking at the corners)
And even more important: Are you optimizing the object geometry?

Looks veeery interesting! I like the idea of random generated dungeons. Looking forward to seeing your progress on this.

Nice lighting! :slight_smile:

Interesting idea with simple but nice and efficient 3D environment. Looking for some gameplay.
BTW, I think you meant “rogue-like” ;D

Ooh, I like the pixel art. Nice job! Looking forward to more :smiley:

Hi, thank you all for positive feedback.

I am currently adjusting the generator to make the rooms vary in height - both the rooms floor level and variation in ceiling height. This is involving creating steps in the connecting paths and rooms. I am also adding freestanding pillars in larger generated rooms, and need to adjust the lighting to be ray casted to generate the correct shadows.

Then I will be working on the gameplay. I wanted to get the more technical elements out of the way first.

The generator also creates doors, which will separate the rooms. And I have a working pathfinder.

Looks awesome, I like the random generator ;D

Love what you’re doing here. I’ve got a basic voxel editor that might make it a bit easier to draw your character if you’re interested. It’d need some tweaking since I 16x16 it.




Added some new monsters. Been spendng far to long on the map generator, but now have stairs and varible width corridors. All geomerty is optomised
Started work on game elements.

All geomerty is calculated, with no prefabs - I want each level to to look as random as possible.
My intention is to use height, and light levels (stored in the level array) to affect outcomes of combat.
So that standing in the dark higher up than an exposed enemy lower down drawn into the light would be desirable and have noticable inpact on the outcome of combat.

Thank you for that kind offer, I’m just using Paint.net. I have seen your pseudo voxel editor that you are using to great effect in you new game. My models rquire 1 pixel per block on a png. Will it do that? Im sure lots of people would love you to post it on and have a go with it. Even better - why dont you build it into the game!

So far so good, do you have a story/concept for the game, be nice to know where its headed.

Look forward to updates.

Small Update

Been refinfing the coridoor generation for rooms that have different height profiles.
Added tranclucent selectors that will show the available moves.
Added realtime lighting for spellcasting.
Added 4 different lighting equations ( they will effect gameplay)


Video and map are brightened for video compression.
(not representitive of the chiaroscuro I will be aiming for)

I have no plot yet(maybe ill experiment with random plots!), but its going to be a turnbased style game, I have a clear Idea that I want it to feel
like a board game. Like a warhammer/DnD style game. I will be decorating the maps with torches, chest,
water, lava etc to provide context. It will be rouge-like in format.

Updates will be less frequent now reall life work has resumed!

I quite like the look of the lighting FX. I remember doing some procedurallly-generated-architecture a few years back, but never entire dungeons, so I’d be interested in how you’re going about it.

What kind of PCs, spell mechanics, skill systems, etc. are you planning to implement?

Hi, the map is generated using binary space partition. A square of given size is recursivly subdivided, creating a binary tree of increasingly smaller divisions.
So imagine a square and cutting it into two parts (not down the middle) but into two rectangles. Each rectangle then is subdivided and so on, untill small areas are generated.
Then a random size room is placed randomly in that area (tolerances are set). The rooms are given a random height.

Then, the two leafs of each node in the binary tree are rooms that are connected via a coridorr. This is either straight, or a bendy coridor of random width. The distance between the rooms and hight variation is interpolated to give equally spaced steps.

This is a 2d representation (prior to multi-width corridors)

Lights and objects are then placed in the rooms.

There are serval was to generate a random map, one is a maze based algorithm, and also the aproach by Kevin Glass in his Yore games which have great maps.
The advantages of the BSP method is that you are garanteed to have every room conected and have controll over that. The disadvantage is that it may be somewhat less random than
other methods. Allowing a clever player to determine the direction of unvisited rooms, though this is less easy in 3d!

I plan on having the standard array of charater types, perhapse 4, I imagine things to be quite predestrian in this way. But I would like to precaculate the amount of xp available for each level. And alow the player to miss parts of the map out at there peril. I also want to make all skills, abilities, actions etc to have some random quality. The thing that will hopefully make the game seem involving on a strategic level is the use of height and light level to affect combat outcome.

Thank you for taking an interest and I would welcome any ideas.

You should read through some of the procedurally generated content ideas here.

Might give some interesting results.

As I’m a big fan of PGC, I second this and will award you with some appreciation for graciously sharing!

I appreciate laying out the technical details like that (on a similar note, props to HGD.) I’ve been trying to think of ways to efficiently allocate space to AI-generated structures in my own game, so this kind of breakdown on the algorithms involved is very valuable.

I could comment more extensively on the design details, but aside from ‘Roguelike’, I guess I’d ask what’s your model or inspiration here? Thief? Diablo? Tomb Raider? Orcs Must Die? Would this be a single-PC affair, or would companions/hirelings be involved? Is this gritty survival horror, a hack’n’slash power-trip, or something between?

I would tentatively suggest that, if you want player tactics to be primarily about exploiting terrain differences, then it might be best to ensure that the dungeon layout allows enough branches that differing approaches to given enemies are viable. (Relatively safe methods for advance recon would also be needed.) Finally, the ability to modify or circumvent terrain- stockades, traps, stealth, teleports, etc.- would probably be interesting, as would aggro or crowd-control powers or spells to herd, draw or repel enemies around the dungeon, and perhaps regenerating resources like herbs or fountains could be another element to consider.

I should just mention that obliging the player to explore every nook and cranny of the level for XP was one of the principle complaints made against, e.g, velvet assassin, so be careful there.

My main inspiration would come from board games like space crusade, and the warhammer games…not to say that I play them a lot! Stone soup is interesting. Also more recently legends of yore. Thief is also a great game. But It will probably be similar in style to the excellent Ledgends of Grimrock (without the graphics!) but random! Śingle player tho.

Thank you for your excellent points, I will consider those issues, you have gone into a lot of detail with thouse considerations. Things I had not even considered.
Your point about obliging the player to explore everything is very valid, I would have to be carfull with that!

I have also decided when I have finished my current lighting solution ( ray cast shadows/ pillars) I will bee looking at additional generators to create levels with a different feel. Random random generators!

Thank you again for your insight, I will be in a position to address gameplay once I have the lighting/mapping finished.

Thank you for sharing that, excellent resource to give new ideas!

I only played Space Crusaders once, but me and my siblings went through every mission in the MB Hero Quest game. (Ah, fond memories. …If I selectively black out all the bickering over who got the chainmail.) I did enjoy the sense of exploration and gritty detail in the line-of-sight/fog-of-war mechanics. (I can’t say I’'ve played the other Roguelikes you mentioned, but I did play the hell out of blades of exile, which I now realise owed a great deal to the Ultima series.)

I 'd suggest that if you’re making it single player, there may not be a particular need for niche protection based on a class system. (And also that single-player doesn’t mean single-character.)

But anyway- I’ll leave you to focus on lighting/mapping, and if you like, we could discuss skills/spells/classes afterwards?

Sorry, one more point that just occurred to me: If you possibly can, grab a copy of Myth 2- it’s a real-time-tactical game that excelled in getting the player to use differences in height and terrain to defeat enemies. (e.g, setting fire to patches of grass, laying fields of explosives, setting fire to grass which then ignites fields of explosives- all with gorgeous physics-simulation of the attendant carnage and mayhem.)