Worst OS ever?

Well unless your heavy overclocking/modified your computer, a computer shouldn’t really burn, otherwise they would never be used as servers. At every school/uni I been too they have left there computers always on.

nop your a little wrong for two reason : home computer get a lot more dust then in a cooled and clean server room, also server are made with higher quality material (better fan system etc…)

EDIT: and last, real server room have advanced anti-fire system wich can even be quite dangerous when you are inside (pumping oxygen)

Yes I was ignoring dust/dirt/water/etc. But that’s the same with most other appliances.
I seen many places that use normal conditions for there servers.
If you clean your computer from dust build up, then the risk is very small.

Most modern computers should automatically switch themselves off if they get too hot. My laptop did when I didn’t realise it failed to shut-down and I put it in my backpack, then wondered why my back was getting so hot ;D …by the time I pulled it out, it had already switched itself off.

the worst os is the mac os x, at least the old ones, i cant stand the bubbliness of it. I use a mac at work and it drives me insane, thank goodness for the terminal/ console it provides. :slight_smile:

Interesting gripe. At least it works though, no?

true, its not a G4 mac so i cant say much, im sure the new intel ones are slick. I know weird gripe eh? im usually sshing into servers at work so the terminal does its job well.

That’s not necessarily true. My PC wasn’t overclocked, it didn’t have dust build-up, and it didn’t get too hot. Well, not before it started burning ;D
What I think what happened is that a capacitor in the power supply blew and cought fire. Probably just a faulty part or something. Shit happens!

I’m gonna have to agree with Dzzd. I remember trying to use DOS, and it sucked. That’s all I can contribute really aside from,
Vista isn’t bad(IMHO Vista > XP). Windows ME wasn’t thaaaat bad.

I never understood why EVERYONE said that Windows ME sucked. I rarely had any issues with it. I guess that many had somekind of problems with it cause it seems to be the most infamous Windows ever.

I used win ME for a good amount of time, and most of the time i was searching for tools to make it run faster, Installing freeware etc. I don’t think ME ran faster after I installed my ‘freeware tools’. Maybe if I didn’t install anything it would run at the same speed == not using your pc. I think I formatted about every 6 months because it was going unbearable slow.

In my limited experience, Windows Millennium was definitely the worst operating system. The saying at my tech-support job was “Windows Millennium works great until you install your first program”

Vista hasn’t been a wholly awful experience for me - my parents have a Vista machine and it sucks, but I think they just got a lemon.

OSX it never does what I want it to. Windows(from 3.1 and up) Dos Linux(slackware fedora ubuntu red hat) Solaris Opensolaris all just do what I want them to do, but OSX fights me all the way. But that’s just the desktop environment, not sure if thats reason enough to call it bad or anything, also it seems to work for other ppl so calling it the worst OS ever would be weird.

OK, I never really had an enjoyable experience fedora. and yeah windows ME was pretty bad too, it felt like it was designed to be held together by using ducktape - but in the manufacturing plant they decided to use scotsstape cause it was cheaper or something

I like ubuntu and opensolaris.

I use it at work and my home machine is Vista, and I say that Vista sucks.

Yes, and then it continually bugs you about having disabled UAC - and you can’t disable that

I SO agree with Symbian. I’ve done development against it in both C++, python and j2me and it’s a mess. They don’t bug test anything and it’s horribly slow. Do you know why you can’t send sms with j2me without getting a security popup (before the N96)? Because they forgot to add a checkmark on a spreadsheet so the developers implemented it wrongly…

The worst is easily OS/2

But since its still a topic, I hate Vista much (pretty much every MS product besides WinXP and Win2k)
I work as an IT guy, and like every week, someone comes to me, saying “I just bought this Laptop/Notebook, and its fucking slow, why?”
I look at it, hardware is like 3 times better than mine, although it runs 10 times slower. OS: Vista

It justs something I have to say every week: No human should use Vista or Internet Explorer.

I had that ramdom drive usage. I did a google search for tweaks to Vista. After going through the document, things started to run better. It has a lot of features I didn’t need.

[quote]I’ve lost a ton of productive time due to vista
Same here. I haven’t developed a lot on my Vista pc, but whenever I do I go screaming back to my XP laptop.

Or have you ever booted it up from sitting shut-down all night, and it just hangs? Grrrr.

Oh, and that hanging issue is on a pc with Quad Cores, and 4GB of RAM.

I used Vista about 3 times in my life and I say that Vista sucks too ;D