very strange now I always got “Service only open to limited countries” but it was running sometime before (only few hours ago), yes application may launch it was like menu/button sometimes yes and sometimes now, but seems that now there is only “Service only open to limited countries” everytime
EDIT :message was too long so I cut a lot of text in the output onsole
[quote]Java Web Start 1.6.0_18-ea
Utilisation de la version JRE 1.6.0_18-ea-b04 Java HotSpot™ Client VM
server running at port: 51053
in the app launcher. args =
printing an array: [Ljava.lang.String;@b64435
Len = 0
checking for Java 6 or higher
server running at port: 51053
getting system prop: com.sun.appstore.client.showTestingDialog = false
getting system prop: com.sun.appstore.client.storeServerURL =
show dialog = false
Response Code: 200
Response Message: OK
Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>0.10132009-10-22_16-15-02nighthacks-server-site-R5hudson-nighthacks-server-site-R5-131/root/.hudson/jobs/nighthacks-server-site-R5/workspace
LocalStorage: using directory C:\Users\DzzD\appdata\locallow.javastore
no InstalledProducts.xml. will create a new one at C:\Users\DzzD\appdata\locallow.javastore\InstalledProducts.xml
NonpagingQuery: requesting getProducts(0,20) currently have 0 products in the cache
NonpagingQuery: requesting getProducts(0,20) currently have 0 products in the cache
Request Header Cookies ========================
Request Headers: {Host=[], GET /warehouse/services/products?query=showcase HTTP/1.1=[null], User-Agent=[Java/1.6.0_18-ea], Connection=[keep-alive], Accept=[text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, /; q=.2]}
requesting getProducts(0,12) currently have 0 products in the cache
doing the store
Request Header Cookies ========================
Request Headers: {Host=[], GET /warehouse/services/products?start=0&limit=12 HTTP/1.1=[null], User-Agent=[Java/1.6.0_18-ea], Connection=[keep-alive], Accept=[text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, /; q=.2]}
Request Header Cookies ========================
Request Headers: {Host=[], GET /warehouse/services/products?query=top HTTP/1.1=[null], User-Agent=[Java/1.6.0_18-ea], Connection=[keep-alive], Accept=[text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, /; q=.2]}
Response Code: 200
Response Message: OK
Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>88RuneScapeRuneScape takes place in the game world of Gielinor, a fantasy-themed realm divided into several different kingdoms, regions, and cities.RuneScape takes place in the game world of Gielinor, a fantasy-themed realm divided into several different kingdoms, regions, and cities. Players can travel throughout Gielinor on foot, by using magical teleportation spells and devices, or mechanical means of transportation. Each region offers different types of monsters, resources, and quests to challenge players. Players appear on the screen as customizable avatars, setting their own goals and objectives.0 Smith881.05true CannonSeek revenge for the destruction of the Terran Space Navy by defeating the invading alien fleets.The war is going badly for Earth. The Battle of Proxima has seen the defeat of the Terran Space Navy and its flagship, the TNS-HOOD, has been destroyed. A barbaric race of insectoid aliens, the Paragula, is now in position to invade our solar system.
The valiant efforts of our unfortunate pilots has, however, bought enough time for us to bring our experimental fighter, the Nova Ray, to battle readiness. You must command this awesome vessel against almost impossible odds, in the defence of Earth.
Good luck, and good hunting!</description* Identify which numbers come before or after a number.
The directions for each activity is displayed at the top of the screen for you to read, or it can be read by the computer when you need a break
This is a great educational way to pass a little time with a young one.0 Jordan3561.04true
Response Headers: {null=[HTTP/1.1 403 Service only open to limited countries, IP address is not allowed.], Content-Language=[], Date=[Tue, 10 Nov 2009 19:29:02 GMT], Content-Length=[1283], Set-Cookie=[JSESSIONID=f92155619debe0e9cf993cbfb31f; Path=/warehouse], Content-Type=[text/html], X-Powered-By=[Servlet/2.5], Server=[Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1 Patch01]}
Response Cookies ==========================
Adding Cookie - JSESSIONID=f92155619debe0e9cf993cbfb31f
Response Code: 403
Response Message: Service only open to limited countries, IP address is not allowed.
Response: Error: 403 - Service only open to limited countries, IP address is not allowed.
Response Headers: {null=[HTTP/1.1 403 Service only open to limited countries, IP address is not allowed.], Content-Language=[], Date=[Tue, 10 Nov 2009 19:29:02 GMT], Content-Length=[1283], Set-Cookie=[JSESSIONID=f921562b687b10f4d9851d96a783; Path=/warehouse], Content-Type=[text/html], X-Powered-By=[Servlet/2.5], Server=[Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1 Patch01]}
Response Cookies ==========================
Removing Cookie - JSESSIONID=f92155619debe0e9cf993cbfb31f
Adding Cookie - JSESSIONID=f921562b687b10f4d9851d96a783
Response Code: 403
Response Message: Service only open to limited countries, IP address is not allowed.
Response: Error: 403 - Service only open to limited countries, IP address is not allowed.
loading the categories
Nonpaging Query: got product: RuneScape
Request Header Cookies ========================
Adding Cookie - JSESSIONID=f921562b687b10f4d9851d96a783
Request Headers: {Cookie=[JSESSIONID=f921562b687b10f4d9851d96a783], GET /warehouse/services/categories?namespace=category HTTP/1.1=[null], Host=[], User-Agent=[Java/1.6.0_18-ea], Connection=[keep-alive], Accept=[text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, /; q=.2]}
Nonpaging Query: got product: Star Cannon
Nonpaging Query: got product: CyberSynchs on Desktop
Nonpaging Query: got product: Numbers and Counting
Response Headers: {null=[HTTP/1.1 403 Service only open to limited countries, session had been denied], Content-Language=[], Date=[Tue, 10 Nov 2009 19:29:02 GMT], Content-Length=[1235], Content-Type=[text/html], X-Powered-By=[Servlet/2.5], Server=[Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1 Patch01]}
Response Cookies ==========================
No Cookies
Response Code: 403
Response Message: Service only open to limited countries, session had been denied
Response: Error: 403 - Service only open to limited countries, session had been denied
cats = null