Will the Java Platform Create The World's Largest App Store?

I think some of the performance issues on Windows could be attributed to JDK’s implementation of translucent windows. It’s a known bug (the degradation is very hw dependent), it’s to be fixed at least in part in 6u18 (see http://dlc-cdn-rd.sun.com/c1/jdk6/6u18/promoted/b04/changes/JDK6u18.b04.list.html?e=1257877419&h=2dde3e0cdf650ba7786512431314f2cf , bug http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6794764). You could try latest build of 6u18, see if that helps (http://download.java.net/jdk6/binaries/)

I’ve been bugging the Java Store team not to use translucent windows just at least on pre-6u18, we’ll see if they cave in.


  • Windows 7
  • Java Web Start 1.6.0_15
    Using JRE version 1.6.0_15-b03 Java HotSpot™ Client VM

dont believe me on the errors?

P.S: I will try updating see if that helps :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry, it doesn’t help, just installed and tested the store with Java-1.6-018-ea-b04, sames issues (hang / icon mouse pointer far when dragging / and not related but : once again need four start before it can finally connect)

It’s not that I don’t believe you on the errors at all, just that I have not experienced them. I wonder if the Windows7/Vista firewall has anything to do with this?

To clarify: I was only referring to perceived gui problems, like very slow repainting when mousing over icons etc, not the network-related problems.


[quote]like very slow repainting when mousing over icons etc
OK, then that explains. Thanks for that. We’ll wait for u18 then to potentially see a better user experience on Windows platforms. About the network issue, any idea anyone?

Very useful video. Did the app launch? The client may have been in the process of downloading the app.

If you could post the Java console log when you see a network connection failure, we may understand what’s going on

The pauses during the dragging of the icon may be because the EDT was blocked on some network requests or something. I know it sounds strange, but this is how dragging works here: basically a window (that represents the icon being dragged) is created and its position is updated when mouse is moved so that it appears dragged. So if there’s something that’s blocking the EDT or making it very busy, the dragging will appear sluggish.


Again, this sounds an awful lot like a Windows networking and, possibly, firewall issue. I am going to boot into XP on my laptop and see what I get…

While I’m happy to see the problems are being worked on, isn’t it a bit strange to put something like this, where the customer perception of the store effects the apps therein, into the public eye without testing on the most common OS and common JRE versions.

I’m finding it pretty hard to justify the store to other Java devs, let alone average joe on the street. Is there something fundamentally wrong with the current technology choices or is this another case of the customer suffering due to Sun/Oracles NIH syndrome issues?


very strange now I always got “Service only open to limited countries” but it was running sometime before (only few hours ago), yes application may launch it was like menu/button sometimes yes and sometimes now, but seems that now there is only “Service only open to limited countries” everytime

EDIT :message was too long so I cut a lot of text in the output onsole

[quote]Java Web Start 1.6.0_18-ea
Utilisation de la version JRE 1.6.0_18-ea-b04 Java HotSpot™ Client VM

server running at port: 51053
in the app launcher. args =
printing an array: [Ljava.lang.String;@b64435
Len = 0
checking for Java 6 or higher
server running at port: 51053
getting system prop: com.sun.appstore.client.showTestingDialog = false
getting system prop: com.sun.appstore.client.storeServerURL = http://store.java.com/warehouse/
show dialog = false
Response Code: 200
Response Message: OK
Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>0.10132009-10-22_16-15-02nighthacks-server-site-R5hudson-nighthacks-server-site-R5-131/root/.hudson/jobs/nighthacks-server-site-R5/workspacehttp://jag2.foundry.sun.com/hudson/http://dlc.sun.com/AppStore/AppStoreRoot/AppStoreClusterhttp://dlc.sun.com/AppStore/AppStoreRoot/AppStoreCluster/desktop/app-wrapper.jar4427

LocalStorage: using directory C:\Users\DzzD\appdata\locallow.javastore
no InstalledProducts.xml. will create a new one at C:\Users\DzzD\appdata\locallow.javastore\InstalledProducts.xml
NonpagingQuery: requesting getProducts(0,20) currently have 0 products in the cache
NonpagingQuery: requesting getProducts(0,20) currently have 0 products in the cache
Request Header Cookies ========================

Request Headers: {Host=[store.java.com], GET /warehouse/services/products?query=showcase HTTP/1.1=[null], User-Agent=[Java/1.6.0_18-ea], Connection=[keep-alive], Accept=[text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, /; q=.2]}
requesting getProducts(0,12) currently have 0 products in the cache
doing the store
Request Header Cookies ========================

Request Headers: {Host=[store.java.com], GET /warehouse/services/products?start=0&limit=12 HTTP/1.1=[null], User-Agent=[Java/1.6.0_18-ea], Connection=[keep-alive], Accept=[text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, /; q=.2]}
Request Header Cookies ========================

Request Headers: {Host=[store.java.com], GET /warehouse/services/products?query=top HTTP/1.1=[null], User-Agent=[Java/1.6.0_18-ea], Connection=[keep-alive], Accept=[text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, /; q=.2]}
Response Code: 200
Response Message: OK
Response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>88RuneScapeRuneScape takes place in the game world of Gielinor, a fantasy-themed realm divided into several different kingdoms, regions, and cities.RuneScape takes place in the game world of Gielinor, a fantasy-themed realm divided into several different kingdoms, regions, and cities. Players can travel throughout Gielinor on foot, by using magical teleportation spells and devices, or mechanical means of transportation. Each region offers different types of monsters, resources, and quests to challenge players. Players appear on the screen as customizable avatars, setting their own goals and objectives.0http://store.java.com/warehouse/services/products/884.0GamesRob Smith881.05truehttp://dlc.sun.com/AppStore/AppStoreRoot/AppStoreCluster/products/0-9999/88-88-assets145Star CannonSeek revenge for the destruction of the Terran Space Navy by defeating the invading alien fleets.The war is going badly for Earth. The Battle of Proxima has seen the defeat of the Terran Space Navy and its flagship, the TNS-HOOD, has been destroyed. A barbaric race of insectoid aliens, the Paragula, is now in position to invade our solar system.

The valiant efforts of our unfortunate pilots has, however, bought enough time for us to bring our experimental fighter, the Nova Ray, to battle readiness. You must command this awesome vessel against almost impossible odds, in the defence of Earth.

Good luck, and good hunting!</description* Identify which numbers come before or after a number.

The directions for each activity is displayed at the top of the screen for you to read, or it can be read by the computer when you need a break :wink:

This is a great educational way to pass a little time with a young one.0http://store.java.com/warehouse/services/products/2754.0GamesLucas Jordan3561.04truehttp://dlc.sun.com/AppStore/AppStoreRoot/AppStoreCluster/products/0-9999/275-356-assets

Response Headers: {null=[HTTP/1.1 403 Service only open to limited countries, IP address is not allowed.], Content-Language=[], Date=[Tue, 10 Nov 2009 19:29:02 GMT], Content-Length=[1283], Set-Cookie=[JSESSIONID=f92155619debe0e9cf993cbfb31f; Path=/warehouse], Content-Type=[text/html], X-Powered-By=[Servlet/2.5], Server=[Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1 Patch01]}
Response Cookies ==========================
Adding Cookie - JSESSIONID=f92155619debe0e9cf993cbfb31f

Response Code: 403
Response Message: Service only open to limited countries, IP address is not allowed.
Response: Error: 403 - Service only open to limited countries, IP address is not allowed.
Response Headers: {null=[HTTP/1.1 403 Service only open to limited countries, IP address is not allowed.], Content-Language=[], Date=[Tue, 10 Nov 2009 19:29:02 GMT], Content-Length=[1283], Set-Cookie=[JSESSIONID=f921562b687b10f4d9851d96a783; Path=/warehouse], Content-Type=[text/html], X-Powered-By=[Servlet/2.5], Server=[Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1 Patch01]}
Response Cookies ==========================
Removing Cookie - JSESSIONID=f92155619debe0e9cf993cbfb31f
Adding Cookie - JSESSIONID=f921562b687b10f4d9851d96a783

Response Code: 403
Response Message: Service only open to limited countries, IP address is not allowed.
Response: Error: 403 - Service only open to limited countries, IP address is not allowed.
loading the categories
Nonpaging Query: got product: RuneScape
Request Header Cookies ========================
Adding Cookie - JSESSIONID=f921562b687b10f4d9851d96a783

Request Headers: {Cookie=[JSESSIONID=f921562b687b10f4d9851d96a783], GET /warehouse/services/categories?namespace=category HTTP/1.1=[null], Host=[store.java.com], User-Agent=[Java/1.6.0_18-ea], Connection=[keep-alive], Accept=[text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, /; q=.2]}
Nonpaging Query: got product: Star Cannon
Nonpaging Query: got product: CyberSynchs on Desktop
Nonpaging Query: got product: Numbers and Counting
Response Headers: {null=[HTTP/1.1 403 Service only open to limited countries, session had been denied], Content-Language=[], Date=[Tue, 10 Nov 2009 19:29:02 GMT], Content-Length=[1235], Content-Type=[text/html], X-Powered-By=[Servlet/2.5], Server=[Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1 Patch01]}
Response Cookies ==========================
No Cookies

Response Code: 403
Response Message: Service only open to limited countries, session had been denied
Response: Error: 403 - Service only open to limited countries, session had been denied
cats = null

but… just notice that even if I cant connect there are four icons on the right panel and I can drag it and the same issue appear on dragging, so the drag issue appear even when not connected, not suprising but it may be interresting to know

EDIT: on my screen could be up to 10centimeter/approx 200-300 pixels between mouse cursor and dragged icon

sorry for this triple post but maybe… maybe… the animation showing how to drag icon to desktop (on the upper right panel) cause the drag issue… (not the only one cause it also appear when the animation is not running), it can be see in the video and I noticed it was running when I tryied unconnected ten minute ago and get the same drag problem

The store has started connecting for me! I have done nothing on my end to fix this issue, it’s started working on it’s own. However once open I am unable to sign in. I have also tried signing up another of my e-mail addresses, but the signup page messed up so I’m not sure if it worked or not.

The only part I’ve really interacted with so far is the sign-in dialog, but typing into the boxes is incredibly laggy. I’m finding text appearers literally a few seconds after typing. It’s not even downloading content in the background (as I’m not signed in) or running any animations (except that crappy fade effect). All I’m doing is typing into a text field in a dialog box. I can only presume it is constantly redrawing the whole app when I enter a character, but even if that was true I would be surprised it takes that long to do so. My PC is a 2ghz Athlon 64 with 1gb ram and a Geforce 6600. My JVM is Java 6 update 16.

I also notice that the Java store repaints the whole window as it’s dragged. This is a bug because on my PC I have this turned off (along with Aero and everything else) in order to make Windows move/change instantly. All my other Swing apps also comply with this, it’s just the Java Store that doesn’t.

This is because window dragging isn’t done by the OS here, but instead window position is updated by the application as you move mouse with button pressed. Try any other shaped/translucent window (non-java, like windows media player), you’ll see they behave the same despite of your desktop setting.


For fun, I launched the app store, in WindowsXP, running in Parallels on OS X, while also doing screen capture and running my other, regular OS X apps. Not too bad considering!

As far as I can tell WMP 11 conforms to the desktop setting in both skinned & normal modes =/
The only application i’ve noticed ignoring it is winamp.

I just tested this and when in normal, compact and skinned mode Windows Media Player does not redraw as it’s dragged.

Edit: plus it’s more then that. It’s not conforming to how I have my desktop setup. Other apps do, so this should too.

too sad :’(

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