Will the Java Platform Create The World's Largest App Store?

Running from home - like everybody :slight_smile:

If Iā€™d write such an app, Iā€™d be running from home too. :persecutioncomplex: :wink:

Anywayā€¦ something, likeā€¦ between u14 and u17ā€¦? There are so many JREs installed that I have no clue which browsers uses which version. Itā€™s not even like they keep in sync. Oh wellā€¦ found the courage to launch the app again, so here you go:

Java Web Start 1.6.0_17 Using JRE version 1.6.0_17-b04 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM

I hope the above helps fixing everything

I was finally able to load that app store without that network issue. Iā€™m going to repeat what everybody said, this is dog slow! Mouse over event for buttons takes extremely long time to execute, like 0.5 to 1 sec. Progress bars at start-up are jerky. But bubbles over app icons seem to appear at correct speed though. I know my laptop runs pretty fast; I have a 2 Ghz 7200 core 2 duo with 4 GB of RAM and an NVidia 8600M 256 MB VRAM. Sorry for this long list of specs but I canā€™t understand why this app is slow? And I just upgraded my JRE to Java 6u17. If this is representative of the future app store then Iā€™m very worried at this point! :o

How did you solve this?


On the first startup, the app is doing two things installing and running the app. Which mouse over event was slow?

You have the latest JRE installed :wink: You can use ā€œshift-1ā€ to see which JRE version the store is using

Closing it and trying again does not resolve the issue.

somme free time today, so I decided to profle the store a little ā€¦

Tests & Video done on : Intel Core Duo T7500 2.2Ghz / 3GB RAM / ATI HD 3650 512MB / Java 1.6-016-b01 / Window Vista (Aero disabled)

and the result is supprisingly that the Store is theorically not slow !

here are my results/observation (also used VisualVM) :

Memory consumption : 150MB - 200 MB ( could be a lot lower but thatā€™s not too bad)

CPU consumption :

  • when doing nothing : 0%
  • when moving an Icon : 20%-30% (of both core => 40%-60% of one, not that good but less than 100% so it should not change speed )

Starting time and crash : from 10s to 15s (only measured after n start and when all stuff are loaded), several network failure that requiere a restart

it dont use all the memory
it never use 100% CPU
it is theorically not slowā€¦

Others notices :
lot of run() method => probably intensivly multihreaded ?
hang periodically sometimes (every 2/3 seconds)
delay on information popup are IMO unsynchronized / too slow / not enought reactive

and finally here is a video I made showing the drag & hang issue :

sorry did not find anything that can help, but I tried :slight_smile:

To be honest, the performance on my MacBook Pro is just fine. Seriously, I donā€™t see the slowdown that you are mentioning at all. And, I should add, I have the 32-bit MBP running SnowLeopard, so not the fastest in class.

Even so, here is a video I just captured on my MBP (so, running the video capture software and running my apps including the storefront). Note, I am capturing my second screen, so the store app opened up on my primary display and you can see my pointer leaving the screen to drag it over :slight_smile:

(Sorry about the watermark on the screen as well :slight_smile: )

is that a fake ;), but yes seems that it run very well on your computer ā€¦ so ā€¦ why not on other ??

EDIT : note that I did not show other functionality in the video cause it will for sure open a ā€œnetwork errorā€, you seems to be ble to click everywhere without getting such network error, seem unreal for me

Ahahah! It was funny that you and I both posted videos this morning!

Not a fake at all, you all should know me by now. The app has worked fine for me from day one. And on a Mac no less! I am at a loss as to why others are having such issues with the store. From loading the apps, dragging, pulling up the description windows, etc., all very snappy.

And system spec: 2.16GHz Core Duo, 2GB RAM, latest version of SnowLeopard.

afternoon for me ( pretty fun yes, butā€¦ for the videoā€¦ you was 10min late ! ) that ā€œmayā€ explain network latency and error but not those hang when dragging an Icon (maybe a JavaFX/Java/Vista issue only)

Should not be an issue for the server errors and would ask that you log that at the developer site for the JavaStore.

As for JavaFX/Java/VISTA, perhapsā€¦would be odd to see better performance on OSX over WinX platform, especially for something like this.

Also, I wonder, how many people with network resolution issues are running on Vista?

Agreed. IMHO I usually find Java works the best and most consistently on Windows.

Iā€™m running Vista.

Here is another video I just made (again, excuse the video recording watermark) of the JavaStore running, installing several apps, all running at the same time, closing them then uninstalling.

Iā€™m running Vista 32 bits. Could it cause some the slowness issues I had? Should not. I want to be clear here. The slowness Iā€™m referring to is about perceived performance. Typical example is the mouse over event for buttons, which changes the button border color to somewhat orange. I noticed like 0.5 sec or less I think but that doesnā€™t mean the app is slow. If itā€™s not slow then I think that that mouse over event gives a bad impression about the app performance. But still, the progress indicator at start-up didnā€™t animate at all, it was really jerky. Again, the animation didnā€™t take a long time (like a couple of secs) but there was no smoothness. To me and for the majority of end users, smoothness of transitions and perceived performance is very important! But the app store doesnā€™t seem to successfully achieve this requirement.

well, I couldnt even connect to the server soā€¦

edit: oh wait, it did work the second time, but for the record, if it doesnt work the first, then that is a problem!

edit#2: OH WAIT! it got dced as soon as I tried to go anywhere :stuck_out_tongue:

but in their defenceā€¦ The dropdown menu did respond within a second(just like is expected of an 8 year olds program)

Well, again, I have not experienced a single issue you are talking about. Also, can you please let us know what OS/platform you are running on?

Same issue here now.