Will the Java Platform Create The World's Largest App Store?

Yeah, you’re right, it does.

I’d say this is the least of its problems…


Er… so you’re saying that blocking/non-async network requests are being handled on the EDT? :o

I don’t know about that, it was just a guess, but I know that JS uses sync Image loading, for example which happens on the EDT (this will be fixed I’m told). I don’t know if the pauses people are seeing are because of that though.


US only developers currently :o

very strange now I always got “Service only open to limited countries” but it was running sometime before (only few hours ago), yes application may launch it was like menu/button sometimes yes and sometimes now, but seems that now there is only “Service only open to limited countries” everytime

Store only available in the US that explains your networking issues.

Turns out I don’t live in the US which is of course news to me.

The simple fact is, the EDT is being blocked, seriously, to the point of the entire UI freezing for over a minute (even the Java Console!). Someone should probably stick a trap in on the server communications to assert that they’re not happening in the EDT, and in the meantime, some sort of Inquisitor should thrash those responsible and hang them by their toenails.

Cas :slight_smile:

I get

The action attempted was unsuccessful because the connection to the Java Store server was interrupted. Please try again.

Any normal person might think that trying again might possibly solve the problem.

Only since I am part of the community that help each other out with the “debug everywhere” I have a console open that informs me that the “Please try again” will only work if I first happen to be teleported (or otherwise relocated) to US first :smiley:

I guess it is more difficult to get to the Java Store by now for ppl outside US, but still… Not really a quality feeling for the persons who have been “Please trying again” for some time now.

Anybody knows when/if more countries will be allowed to use this?

registration was done from an us server but my account say i am french…

bha I am sure I can manage to get access :p, let’s use another name Bruce Mc Augier and retry ! (only joke would be a aste of time … :’( )

New video capture of the Java Store and multiple apps in action here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQQfpurXjJU


Notice how there are 5 seconds lacking any feedback between clicking the [Launch] button and the application-window being visible.

I do understand that it is due to launching an external process, but please show some feedback, within 100ms! A splash would do just fine.

Actually, the smaller box popped in behind the Java Store window. And REALLY now…this is one thing that all Windows users are familiar with. Clicking a link and not having any visual indication that something is working. :wink:

EDIT: IT WAS A JOKE FOLKS! Even if it was a poorly constructed one :slight_smile: Of course this will be addressed, the store is still in Beta.


Then maybe launch the splash from within the AppStore process, by creating a window and calling toFront(). No way the OS can interfere with that.


Is this the general attitude within sun?

Eh? If I click a link outside of a browser (say, from an email client) then the windows cursor will change to indicate progress. If I click a link within a browser then the there’ll be a progress bar or icon within the browser itself.

Personally I’d expect the ‘launch’ button to change state, probably disabled with some kind of ‘launching…’ animation on it. At the moment it looks like it’s broken and you’d probably get users clicking it multiple times.

Markus…come on :wink: I was just poking fun at Windows. Of course it’s not the general attitude here. The store is still in Beta and they are working out the kinks. I should have put a wink in there to show I was kidding :slight_smile:

Actually, when you are installing from the store there actually is an animation to show it is working. It is an interface bit the team is working on. Again, bad joke on my part!

Well, you can’t blame us from taking it a bit too seriously, because Webstart has a really bad track record of pop-under certificate dialogs. :-\

Agreed, but it’s me guys! You know I am happy to call out warts where they are. Sorry for the confusion :slight_smile:

Hey, you told us people don’t like those, so we’re hiding them any way we can…