Actually, hypes and fads have been around, but it just moved from “TV/Movies” to “Games”. Just to be clear, my definition of a fad is something that both guys and gals are into at the same time. ( I’m only speaking for the place from which I was raised of course… it is vastly opinionated
Before - Super Heroes
1990’s TV/Movies - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Power Rangers
2000’s TV/Games - Pokemon
Current Movies/TV/Games - (The Undead) Vampires/Zombies/Werewolves
If I were to take a wild guess into the future. Let’s see…
Since American culture has become more and more nerd based as we move along, the trends that are popping up have more and more to do with video game culture. Events such as ComicCon ( and E3 ( are becoming bigger and bigger each year with all sorts of media coverage. Add this to the growing amount of Youtube videos about gaming culture and I think we may have a winner.
If I were to put money on it, it would have to be gaming related. Probably 90’s retro-gaming themed? Just a wild guess…