What I did today

Started on a GUI library for LibGDX


Sorry to burst your bubble, but LibGDX already has a UI library. But you are still free to make your own :slight_smile:


Are you using gdx-freetype for the text rendering, or did you write that yourself?

Made a logo for my SilenceEngine:


Howz that? Any criticisms?

Looks amazing!!! Mind == blown

Also, why is it called silence engine?


Just because I like Silence ;D. Actually, it is meant to silence all the opengl stuff, and leave you with only things you really need for your game. It takes care of everything.

Okā€¦ good luck!!! ;D

Iā€™m just using an unmodified BitmapFont for text rendering at this point. When I implement custom fonts, I will switch over to a freetype system

I know but I donā€™t like it so I decided to make my own

Today I created a gradient sky background which changes with view position.


It works by selecting a 1 pixel wide column from this image, and stretching it across the screen. Left is higher, right is lower.

Gave in and set up a facebook game page. :emo:
Biodrone Battle

Iā€™m confused in choosing the logo for SilenceEngine. Here are two,




Which one is better guys?

Iā€™d prefer this one:


However both are pretty cool!

@Jacob Pickens

Thanks for your reply, chosen the same, and also added it to the GitHub repository of SilenceEngine

I spent a bit of time on my editor gui, which was below minimal. Now itā€™s easier to draw structures and terrain. Then changed up my sky again. Now it has the ability to depict different atmospheres. From no atmosphere -> minimal atmosphere -> Earth-like atmosphere -> very dense atmosphere. Should be interesting when some levels the characters can go play outside, and sometimes they will be on planets where they canā€™t go outside without a space suit :smiley:


Finally completed my first quest in Legends of Fore - the quest framework works! :slight_smile:




I agree, the first one is better, however ā€œengineā€ is a bit hard to read in both.

Congrats on the 1000th post!

Finally got a new update for Legends of Fore - been a long time coming, so woot!




emailed a professor to see if he might meet up and explain some dual-quaternion things to me considering I canā€™t find any visual info on the interwebzā€¦

Did some anaglyphing (red:cyan glasses needed):