What I did today

Just using noise doesn’t produce great results IMHO. It looks like you’re using a single sample of the noise function…using multiple including domain deformation will produce more interesting results (again IMHO).

@HeroesGraveDev Have you considered using fractal patterns as well? They can help produce more natural landscapes.

In San Francisco at the moment for Dreamforce 14 - so bit slow on game dev. Did go and get myself a new tattoo though:


Have a second sitting to do to white it in yep, but pretty pleased even with this form.



I may have to write an implementation…
What is it with you and constantly using lisp syntax that makes my brain go ow?
Is it that you want to hurt me.

PS programmer dubstep just here , just saying.

Lisp syntax is awesome. And genious. It’s still alive 60 years after invention, 'nuff said.

More Forth than lisp, although they’re both great.

Finally dealt with a couple major problems with my GitHub repo.

  • Jev

There are 5 layers, each with a different height and intensity (rougly proportional so it’s like a fractal). Each layer has 4 randomly offset samples. Most of the layers are transformed with [icode]sign(value) * sqrt(abs(value))[/icode]. (I’m looking at other transformations, but so far it’s produced pretty reasonable results)

Here’s an album of screenshots from when I added a diamondsquare based generator to hematite (a minecraft world viewer experiment thing): http://imgur.com/a/ptHxC

Fractals are definitely the way to go.

Played with OpenSimplexNoise. Do I understand all that code? Hell no! Does it work? Hell yes!

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vvvvvv… Displays just fine on my 4" phone!

RIP mobile users.

Edit: In case it was unclear, I was referring to the above post.

Added really basic scene-graphing to Mercury; going to update the hell out of this later.

  • Jev

I made Windows 8.1 look like Xubuntu (more or less)!


I have Xubuntu Dual booted on my system and I really like the look, but I also like the convenience of windows. So I applied a third-party theme and changed my taskbar to fit the theme.

The Theme that I used

How to install

I made a simpler collision handling system and my friend is working on sending data. Our MMORPG project is coming along.

After managing to accidentally delete the whole project (damn eclipse), I re-wrote and furthered my micro language: that fibonacci function is finally working!

For now code-named ‘ghost’:

I made a simple class that extracts the native files from a jar, for the operating system and platform. I changed my asset loading practice so that I can load media from jar files instead of separate folders. So it is now much easier to package up my program and distribute. Also I added the ability to use JavaFX with my game engine.

Improved Traveling salesman Solver with Genetic Algorithm and Libgdx project


Managed to get a rough (but working) customizable console library going today:

Learning more and more about ASM and RE every day. Fun stuff, and very interesting to see how it could relate to those Minecraft processing units I made a bit ago.

I’ve given up on wavefront OBJ model loading, my head actually hurts…

But I did keep my actual useful by-products:

Here’s some code that I wrote a while ago that loads positions, texture coords, and normals. Hopefully you can try to dissect it and learn something.
