What I did today

Looking like Joomla

Don’t know what that is, but I’ll take it as a compliment?

ahah :D, Joomla is the CMS (content managment system), i assumed you’ve built your web-site with it, and tried to guess it :clue: But sure I compliment you :smiley:

If you are using prepared statements, sql injections should not be an issue.

Had some time today and fixed lighting with transparent objects:

You’re making amazing progress with your engine (or should I say “little Unity competitor” ;)).

Over the last few days I implemented various optimizations into my platformer game, e.g. an easy quadtree-like structure to simplify collision detection. You’re supposed to optimize your code when it’s pretty much done, right?

Now coming to easier/ more fun phase of development: creating more levels, finishing story, art (well, not that fun), fixing the occasional bug, etc.


Started mapping the editor functions to buttons on the menu like the zoom+/- and debug.

Added a hashmap of entities to the Tile class so I can add multiple things/layers to each tile, starting with road co-ords and path finding start / end nodes.

Next I will add path finding between these nodes, need to dig out and refactor the AStar code I have.

Returned the snow-capped mountains

Bang! Our localization systems are finally finished. You can now change Robot Farm’s language. Also here’s a very WIP preview of our new title screen!

Disclaimer: I translated the menus to Spanish with Google Translate just for testing purposes, so I apologize to any Spanish speakers on here if it came out completely garbled ; )

A much better title screen, I think it was the ocean last time I saw it. Might be nice to put little emoticon flags for the languages as well as the text.

Oh! That one was a placeholder from very early in development IIRC. The aim for our new one is to be a “moving painting.” It’s going to look pretty cool by the time it’s done.

Technically it was yesterday, but I got a mini2dx project to run on my raspberry pi 3b. It uses libgdx for the backend and thus lwjgl so it was interesting getting the natives all compiled and injected into the correct jars.

this week is my five year anniversary
i made a haiku for you all
please feel free to leave feedback

fast on all platforms
steam engine has less boiler 
vulkans brawling love

Very nice. True elegance.

On friend’s oldish Mac, installed OpenJDK 11 and OpenJFX, and compiled and ran a JavaFX application with a customized JVM JRE (made with jlink). It works.

Now to figure out: how to package this in a way that includes file association.

I updated my Google Sheets Table of Contents Generator add-on with a sort button and integration into Google Sheets own UI. The sort feature is pretty useful because you can have it sort the entire sheet alphabetically based on the section names. I also put it on the chrome webstore for free and that’s currently pending, so that people can more easily install it. The source code is still available here on github however:

If you’re working Google Sheets a lot like I do to make very large sheets (thousands of rows), my plugin will be pretty useful to you if you’re having a tough time keeping it organized.

What kind of customized JVM is it? I’ve been crossing my fingers for a long time that someone would try and set out to make a JVM specifically tuned for game performance. Lol

I think he meant not a customized JVM but a customized JRE - it’s still the HotSpot (OpenJDK) JVM but using the Java 9 Module System (Jigsaw) together with jlink to reduce the amount of redistributed classes to only those in modules which his app either directly or indirectly depends on, expressed via the modules’ module-info.class.


Yes, KaiHH, that’s right. I’m not good at lexical/terminological precision.

AFAIK, there IS a slight performance pickup using jigsaw-built vs. complete JRE. At least, that is what I’ve seen in articles. But in terms of perceptible results? IDK.

Since my projects are small-scale, and I haven’t gotten into Maven/Gradle/Ant, I’ve been relying on getting the steps worked out at the command-line level. A build takes copying and pasting 3 or 4 lines to Terminal or Shell. It is not exactly back-breaking. Another step or two and I will have the infrastructure “solved” for publishing for Win64 & MacOS (for now, where we have OpenJDK 11 with the JavaFX splitoff), and can get back to work on the apps and games (and marketing–yecchh).

Updated JDialogue so that it can support multiple languages and also added a feature so that you change change the canvas size for scenarios where you need to make very large files (we’re going to need this functionality for the localization support).

I already have a page on here for the project if you want to check it out. The program is really useful if you’re working on a game with a lot of dialogue.

Guess which one I made in blender :stuck_out_tongue: :
