What I did today

I made a streaming parser for a new JSON variant. I call it “tagged HJSON”. It handles HJSON with the addition of tags to objects, which is about the only thing that seriously makes JSON less useful than XML, because XML blocks have named tags. It looks a bit like this:

#thjson (optional first line)
{ # Optional root {} construct
  # comments are useful
  # specify rate in requests/second
  "rate": 1000

  // maybe you prefer js style comments
  /* or if you feel old fashioned */

  # key names do not need to be placed in quotes
  key: "value"

  # you don't need quotes for strings
  text: look ma, no quotes!

  # note that for quoteless strings everything up
  # to the next line is part of the string!

  # commas are optional
    one: 1
    two: 2

  # trailing commas are allowed
    one: 1,
    two: 2,

  # This is a tagged object
     clazz {
	    one: 1,
	    two: 2,
  # It does tagged arrays too
  taggedarray: integers [1, 2, 3, 4]

  # multiline string
    JSON I love you.
    But you strangle my expression.
    This is so much better.

  # Obviously you can always use standard JSON syntax as well:
  favNumbers: [ 1, 2, 3, 6, 42 ]

The tagging is purely optional and essentially just passes in a string to the beginObject() or beginArray() events. I plan to use it to refer to a map of tags to Java classes - so I will be able to use this new THJSON format to deserialise resource data directly into POJOs. Neat!

It’s about 680 lines of source and could do with optimising… it’s nowhere near as fancy lightweight as the FTL parser. I will tidy it up a tiny bit, optimise it a bit, and share it on JGO soonish.

Cas :slight_smile:

will it handle quotes in quotes?

Yup. And binary and hex int literals too, which is sometimes handy. And one of the best bits is the multiline string handling.

Cas :slight_smile:

More giant robot shenanigans today.

Almost reached the end of my GUI building fun.

What are you making? Is this some kind of Dorf Fort-esque game?

Zero hour game development continues, found 20 minutes spare to add back lights to vehicles, a centre point light and re-position lights correctly, they were previously positioned to the centre of the vehicle’s body.

Function to calculate position of lights relative to the centre of the car, improvements welcomed!: https://gist.github.com/tyler6699/88e832e60a5dd27b3c9e9fdb33438a59



Been playing around with the lighting on the start screen. I think it’s starting to look like a real game! =P

Wrote a super slow mandelbulb ray tracer! It works (kinda)

Worked on new games for my advent calendar =)

Updated my Pico Editor to include syntax highlighting for Ruby as well as line numbers.

New character texture:

and new weapon texture:

Also I’ve been messing around with the level layout - this is the first time I’ve truly been stumped. I have no idea what is a good idea. Any examples from the creators of a 2d top down game where performance is a fair concern would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. :slight_smile:
EDIT - just finished the ore miner texture too:

EDIT again - I don’t think I’ve shown this yet - this is the main menu logo:

Next game for my advent calendar is ready. =)

I smell rimworld / prison architect!

(I’m going that direction with my game too, honestly ;))

Took the advice of some crazy cowboy-hat guy from a GDC presentation video, and wrote a tool to make my life easier.
Sadly I couldn’t find the video again, but he mentioned that he did a port for @princec so he might know who I’m talking about. (He seemed to like doing silly voices, idk if that helps) nvm I was thinking about someone else there

Anyways, I made a very bare-bones editor to create normal maps for png images:

Started programming a little game today after three years of wasting my free time!

As you can see it is not java, but it was fun!

Also came across this documentation which might help any novice game dev like me or somewhone who wants to step up to 3D.
It is clear on game loops, basic 3D theory and so on:

Ups, I pressed the Appreciate-Button by accident, I cant even see the gif for some reason :confused:

But I guess you earned it anyway :smiley:


Following advice (tutorial) by orangepascal played with some simpler lighting, Box2DLights was my first option and have played with that a lot but this suits a pixelart game more I feel.

Needs refactoring but here is the code:

Lighting Effect in action

Create a custom taskbar.


Spent approximately 20 hours split between today and yesterday working on… something I’m not going to reveal right now. It’s AFAIK something new that hasn’t been done before with the quality I’m getting. I’ll be writing one of my super long posts on this tomorrow, but right now it’s like 10 in the morning and I REALLY need to sleep.

EDIT: Dammit, Archive, you prematurely made me reach 1000 medals! Thanks! xD