You, sir, are an epic human being.
I wrote two JS libraries today. They are both really small, and almost identical. I could combine them, but I have reasons for keeping them separate.
One allows you to load scripts and call the code using JS (think of it sorta like require
in NodeJS). The other lets you load CSS files, more intended to be used in conjunction with a script that was loaded dynamically as opposed to by itself. The reason they are separate is the reason I wrote them. I didn’t want to have to have a massive library just to do one thing. I prefer a modular approach to things (one reason I really wish jigsaw would be implemented soon in Java).
Are they both really simple libraries? Yeah, but now I don’t have to have Jquery just to do a really small task!
EDIT: I also made an actual require
library that I’m using in my personal projects. It allows me to create a bunch of modules, and have multiple modules use the same dependency (js or css), and not have to worry about it being loaded multiple times.