What I did today

Windows 10 updated and managed to break git, and any attempt I can make to programmatically access a secure server. This has been a great day. >.>

Git is throwing “unable to get local issuer certificate” errors when I’m pushing to bitbucket, and Java is throwing an SSLhandshake exception saying that PKIX path building failed.

I didn’t even do anything! D:

It’s times like these I question why I decided to do this for a major…

Added a new gun :slight_smile:

Implementing “cached assets”, added dropdown and tweaked editbox.


Next game for my christmas calendar is ready (and the game rocks =) )

Can’t wait to try all these games Apo… 6 months from now :stuck_out_tongue:

Implemented the final boss battle of my game. 2 cut scenes and a few bug fixes to go and this game is done. I’m thinking of making a fighting game next.

Today (well, the past couple of days) i have been working on, and finally finished, a Java to C++ port of an application.
This application was written in 1999 to simulate a ray being traced through a light guide for an arcade game.

I did it to kill two birds with one stone by being able to practice and learn more about C++ and to learn more about modern OpenGL.
I’m pretty happy with the results :smiley:

Original Java Program (AWT Graphics):

C++ with modern OpenGL

I started working on an old project again :persecutioncomplex: :persecutioncomplex:

Excuse the jitters, my screenshotter sucks!

My pull request was merged into the LibGDX base, meaning that I have joined the 400 people who have contributed to the repo. Due to the code I wrote it is now possible to generate Kotlin projects using the GDX Setup tool, with the ability to add more languages further down the line. Feels good!

You, sir, are an epic human being. :smiley:

I wrote two JS libraries today. They are both really small, and almost identical. I could combine them, but I have reasons for keeping them separate.
One allows you to load scripts and call the code using JS (think of it sorta like require in NodeJS). The other lets you load CSS files, more intended to be used in conjunction with a script that was loaded dynamically as opposed to by itself. The reason they are separate is the reason I wrote them. I didn’t want to have to have a massive library just to do one thing. I prefer a modular approach to things (one reason I really wish jigsaw would be implemented soon in Java).

Are they both really simple libraries? Yeah, but now I don’t have to have Jquery just to do a really small task! :smiley:


EDIT: I also made an actual require library that I’m using in my personal projects. It allows me to create a bunch of modules, and have multiple modules use the same dependency (js or css), and not have to worry about it being loaded multiple times.

Been working with fractals. Can anyone explain to me why this code isn’t producing a very interesting image? It seems to be correct mathematically.


What do you know I just had to remove the * -1 from the imaginary number part of the computation. My first deduction was correct. Lookee!


Wow. Markus is being a real dick recently. If anyone still talks to him, now might be a good time to have a chat.

If you about Perrson…
He never responds on my tweets ^^
Like newer-newer :slight_smile:
and not only mine – we are not chosen ones XD

What’s he doing?

Looks like something happened on Twitter with him: https://twitter.com/ardaozkal/status/880649899666268160

Oh wow lol. Good thing he already has 2 billion.

I mean, he’s not really wrong. There’s nothing wrong with that concept. I think he’s just unnecessarily aggressive and rude for some reason. But hey, maybe he’s going through something. None of my business. Lol

Ah…cunt + straight pride week? Nope, he’s being an ass. Even if being straight was illegal and/or got you killed in some places the cunt bit would ruin any potential point.

lmao. That’s retarded.

I like how you use the words “potential” to insinuate there’s no point behind the tweet – and the word “ruin”, almost as a synonym for “invalidate” (but you can’t use that word since that would suggest that there indeed was a point behind the tweet), to suggest that even if there was one it would be of no merit due to the way it was presented.

Obviously he’s being an ass but cmon bruh.

Working on a 3d rendering of the mandlebulb right now. Going to vary some variables with time to get a neat animation. In the meantime I produced this: