What I did today

:o ???

Posting rules require some text but I am speechless.

Happily received a new in-game GIF for Lethal Running:


You can do it! We believe in you!

Started implementing player physics into my engine today :slight_smile:

Works much better than the built-in bullet character object

Also tweaked the lighting:

Cracked open TritonForge for the first time in months, and made some visual changes.
Re-did the parallax system from scratch and gave it 6 layers.
Redrew clouds.
Made shaders optional.
Made my own font to use in-game.

Never thought that it would be so hard (for me) to make a good random terrain mapping and (much harder) a good random city building.
For the terrain I use the diamond square algorithm and for the city I use my own templates which are ordered randomly.
And I implemented a minimap and a first interface.

Now I can really start to implement the “game” =) but until now it was really fun to learn something new =)

That pixel art is delicious.

That’s looking really good.

Cas :slight_smile:

Finally getting around to implementing assimp.

Any help would be welcome, I can’t seem to find any lwjgl resources involving assimp. All of the CPP resources are incompatible.

Finally got around to integrating BSP specific rendering techniques into the software renderer. It’s unbelievable how much rendering is accelerated by using this. No wonder John Carmack and the other developers used this data structure for Doom and Quake.

I now render the map from front to back and use a 1-bit buffer to check if a pixel has been drawn on before. I stop rendering when the entire screen is filled with BSP pixels. This performs occlusion culling.

Then I draw the skybox ontop of the map but only on the pixels that were determined to be reserved for the sky.

I got a 1.5x performance boost from all of this.

Could we get some screenshots? Or is there nothing really accept some placeholder stuff?

I mean… the graphics are identical. It just runs faster haha

Well shoot. :stuck_out_tongue:
Make it look pretty! :smiley:

I just fixed all exceptions in my voxel game and just tried the first “clean” run. My system got hanged for an hour before I restarted my laptop. That’s what I got for rendering a 5x5x5 grid of chunks ,each containing 16x16x16 cubes, without face culling in a 5 year old budget laptop. Bad practice. Can anyone suggest optimizations? (Please don’t tell me about storing isSolid flags for each side of the cube. Bad memories from Unity)

Have you tried storing isSolid flags for each side of the cube?


I wrote an affine texture mapper…in BASIC…for the Commodore 64. It takes 6 minutes to render one frame (24 sec. when compiled):

Nice CRT distortion shader! :stuck_out_tongue:

Gutted the menu system from TF and made it work with TWL. It only took 3 days :stuck_out_tongue:
But with the relief from those headaches, I remade the title screen to be animated,
and pieced together some new music for it.


EDIT: fixed video

Spawned a knight.


It’s not at all related to code, or anything digital, but a general event. I have got my ID card broken, and I had to write a letter to the HOD to grant me a new ID card. So I wrote this letter:

I, Ch. Sri Harsha, student of CSE 3rd year section A bearing the roll number had got my ID card broken into pieces due to a series of unfortunate incidents. So I request you to kindly grant me a new one.

Then my HOD asked me, may I ask what are those series of unfortunate incidents??

I replied, “Ma’m I was playing with it, swinging it around by the tag. Unfortunately it hit the desk and due to that it broke into two”.

Dunno why, but this is the funniest letter that I have ever written and wanted to share with you guys.