What I did today

Registered my new website: beyondproxima.com.

Signed up to JGOā€¦ again. I lost all of my credentials as pretty usual. This time Iā€™ve actually taken the time to write everything down nicely on a good old post-it!

Iā€™ve been here before. It feels good to recognize almost everybody here with the exception of nobody recognizing me! Appreciation given to anyone who can figure out who I really am. 8)

Itā€™s probably not too easy of a task considering I never got to be one of the cool kids. :frowning: But things are bound to changeā€”you shall all obey! ā€¦ some day

Ohā€”and Iā€™ve listened to Cat Stevens a whole lot whilst game devvā€¦ (am I missing a v?) ā€¦vving!

Are you Alexander from the Junivƶrs.

Iā€™ll bet on that.

I took a break from developing my game engine and I finished a song Iā€™ve been working on for a while :slight_smile:

Do any of you produce music?

Yeah I do but I donā€™t put them on the internet

My guesses are as follows:
97% confidence: Icecore (clues: Swedish connection, lots of emoticons, Icecore has not posted since Nov or so)
2% confidence: ???
1% confidence: Notch impersonating Icecore.

[quote]Do any of you produce music?
Yes. But lately Iā€™ve gotten more interested in using Java to generate music.
Nice cue, btw.

Yes, was doing some Renoise stuff (Tracker) in the past, but nothing public. Then bought a Novation Circuit to jam with my friends (https://youtu.be/5MhOYv-ymYU) and recently bought myself a present in form of an Ableton Push 2.

[quote=philfrei]2% confidence: ???
That right thereā€™s definitely me! :point:

i had a twist on PBR + rendering to cubemaps to keep the background in sync.



Where did that model come from? I want to use it to run some rendering tests :slight_smile:

Is that image-based lighting or just plain cube map reflections? Iā€™d love if you logged onto Skype some time too; got a few things to talk with you about. =P


@orange : i think i found on archive3d.net.

@agent : skype right! just a tiny bit IBL, it is highly metallic so it doesnā€™t show much.

I donā€™t follow haha, but itā€™s probably my brain not working again.

Maybe I should have said ā€œnice songā€ since that is what you called your new musical piece. I tend to think of songs as having singing. I just meant ā€œby the wayā€ for the btw.

Thanks basil :slight_smile:

This is what Iā€™ve been up to. Getting the poses right is pretty difficult because the robot isnā€™t entirely anatomically human. That said, itā€™s super satisfying to animate whatā€™s intended to be a 300 foot tall, 1500 ton robot to perform boxing moves.

Yes sir! Iā€™m in a band (As Time Fades). I enjoyed your track by the way, this is the kind of music I love programming to at work. Itā€™s so dreamy/floaty. I like it!

I used to work in a studio full time as an engineer/producer. And Iā€™ve played in bands for 15 years and produced/engineered/mixed all our albums. Iā€™m the most happy with this album: https://play.spotify.com/album/0ygN01XurJXl5sxLEb7VAR

Edit: I sing tracks 4 and 7.