VolatileImage Acceleration

Yo, anyone know how to use this API?
Im trying to use an animated gif file i made.
But it dont run smoothly in my game.


There are some links there to some sample code.
A google search probably would reveal more…

LOL, Can’t help but think it is funny that people refer to the bug database for sample code :slight_smile:

Btw, I believe the old site had a paper explaining the different image types, maybe the admins can repost it? or post a link to it?

Animated gifs would be easier to use then
programming the animation, but I need to learn how to use the VolatileImage API. Any more sample code anyone?

I know it’s a bug page but really, the links provide small and useful examples. (the links worked when I last checked a few months ago).

Check out these tutorials: