Virus Effect (2D Platformer RPG Shooter)

Hey everyone, Im working on this 2D platformer rpg shooter called Virus Effect. I coded it from scratch, physics and all.
Check it out at and tell me what you think.
It is an Applet game with MySQL implemented to save games, and all graphics are through Java2D. Create an account to play full version, which includes episodes, enemies, upgradeable weapons, and leveling up with player stat choosing.

-Features coming soon.

  • NPCs and Missions
  • Dual Wielding
  • Melee Weapons
  • Customizations: Equipment

-Known issues

  • Going down slopes, not always able to jump.

Virus Effect
YouTube Video of Game Play

Locks up here. Initially don’t see player, saw a flash and then nothing responds.



I got this but it works fine:

Exception in thread “Thread-7” access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThread)
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
at sun.applet.AppletSecurity.checkAccess(
at java.lang.Thread.checkAccess(
at java.lang.Thread.setPriority(

locks up here too.
If I reload the page, I see a falling player thing, but as soon as it gets close to the ground, it locks up.

It seemed to start running again after I had played around with the console (I was looking for deadlocks in the thread dumps), but when I clicked, it fired a shot and froze immediately before the shot could travel more than a few pixels.

Us java 1.5 people aren’t too happy either;

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

Well sorry for all the errors, I updated the demo. I changed a couple of things that hopefully fix everything. But I can’t be sure because I don’t get any problems here. Tell me more.

java 1.6, xp.

Key input wouldnt respond for me.

I got the same exception but it still works fine under Mandriva Linux 2007, Java 1.6 update 4. I got 62 FPS.

I put up another update, which I believe will get rid of the Thread access exception. I also changed up the start() stop() methods, so hopefully that will fix the frozen in mid air problems. Test please.

If any one knows of a full proof tutorial on applets, I would appreciate the info.

Also I did compile it using the latest Java, is there a better, more widely used version? I thought everyone stayed updated.

i can’t see any player, and the keys don’t do anything after I press space bar. The web site looks quite nice though.

Java 6 update 10, Win XP

Still hangs for me.

Same here.

Cas :slight_smile:

Ok I think I’ve got it this time. I’ve tested everything with my start() and stop() method, and thats where the problem was with freezing. I’m not sure if this will fix the issue with not having key presses work, but it might. Test demo.

It looks like a pretty well put-together game engine, but unfortunately I can’t play it because I don’t have a mouse with a scroll wheel, therefore preventing me from switching weapons. It is a bad idea to make a game’s controls depend on having certain optional control features, like a scroll wheel or a middle button. You should probably add an alternate way of switching weapons using the keyboard.

You’re right about that. So I added 1-5 keyboard weapon switching. Suggestions appreciated :slight_smile: Project X

Nope, still hangs, both in IE and FireFox

after I press space, the game screen comes but hangs there

I just put up a version that should work with JVM 1.5

Do you guys get any output in the java console?

Works fine for me (tested on three different machine under XP and Vista). But it’s difficult to play this IMHO. Aiming with the mouse while moving with the keys, jumping and crouching at the same time to reach some platforms…the controls are a bit overloaded. Make the player jump higher to make it possible to reach the platforms without dodging…that alone would make it lot better in my opinion.

Yup, works fine now on 1.5… but what are you supposed to do in the game? ???