i got a problem for calculating my camera.
I tried so much stuff.
What i got:
2 Vektors:
p = my aktual position
t = my desired point
My wished point to look @ is in the center of my coor-system.
Now i have done the calculation of u( = the vektor where the cam is moving ).
In the next step i want to use t to get the angles to my wished point w(0,0,0); t+w = my view direction.
I’ve done a small graphic for this:
I tried to get the angles on this way:
First i turned the direction of t around, so all values are multiplied by -1.
Now my Vektor t is pointing down to w(0,0,0).
In the next step i reduced t on 2 Planes.
So i can calculate the angles with X/Y and X/Z
a = arccos( (tx,ty)skalar(1,0) / |(tx,ty)||(1,0)|);
b = arccos( (tx,tz)skalar(0,1) / |(tx,tz)||(0,1)|);
But my result is bad
(thats math so it have to be in this forum, right? if not, it may belongs to JOGL, im sry)