
Hello everyone,

I posted on this in general, but felt this is a more appropriate place to post.

I’ve been working on this game for about 2 years (although I stopped for 6 months to work on someone elses game). Anyways, I originally did the game using pulpcore, but since it’s no longer supported I’ve been switching to lwjgl/slick.

Title Screen:


Thanks for taking the time to look at it.


Looks Cool! 8)

Looks good, but why is it so flat (so wide vs height).
And let us play :smiley:

I knew someone was going to ask this… there’s a good reason… but for now, it’s a secret :wink:

Character Selection Screen:






Game Play Screen:



I’ll update with more screenshots as I get them :slight_smile:


Unique resolution will be unique ;D

The graphics can be improved, but the style is interesting. Keep up the good work.

Yeah… I still have a long ways to go :frowning:

Thanks though :slight_smile:


Just did a stress test of Slick and had 8,000 animated images on the screen with 30fps :o

I’m really starting to like slick ;D

Selecting Ground Tiles:

Digging into the ground:

I know… I’m terrible for ripping off Terraria and Minecraft :frowning:

But I really liked the idea :slight_smile:


Looks good, is the grass moving? would love to see that.

It’s static right now, but I plan on having it move… what’s awesome is that I got a couple other programmers that are helping me out now so I have more time to actually work on artwork.


The title bar shows “PulpcoreDemo”.

Yeah, I was doing this in pulpcore and I started off an example lol… I planned on changing it, but figured it wasn’t worth it since I’m doing a rewrite :slight_smile:


I felt the characters on the characters select screen were kind of boring, and lacked personality, so I’m working on re-doing the portraits.

Here’s a sketch so far:

updated: (I suck at hands)

I’m an anime nerd(sorry) :slight_smile:


[i]Moderated: anybody should feel safe browsing JGO at work - removed NSFW scetches[/i]

[quote]Moderated: anybody should feel safe browsing JGO at work - removed NSFW scetches
Sorry… I didn’t realize they were considered nsfw… it’s a non-anatomically correct sketch that’s not even detailed below the face. I’ll be more cautious about what I post next time.

If anyone is interested in seeing the sketches, you can find them here:

[warning: nsfw]http://pickleninja.com/unembra/img/femaleMockup.png [/warning: nsfw]
[warning: nsfw]http://pickleninja.com/unembra/img/femaleMockup2.png [/warning: nsfw]


Problem is that anybody looking over your shoulder, getting a glance of the images, will get the wrong idea. Although the images are not detailed, it is clear that the characters are nude and therefore nsfw.

Understood… The clothing was going to be drawn on once I got the base pose down… sorry again :slight_smile:


I like them sketches, i wish i could draw like this :-\

And i don’t really consider them NSFW. I mean, it’s clearly barbie doll anatomy. But who am i to question the Overlord?

As said… if your boss/manager glanced over your shoulder, you’d have some explaining to do.

So, I’m not against this content, it’s just… not suitable for work. ::slight_smile:

I think I’d rather be catched looking at naked women than at barbies :persecutioncomplex:

If my boss glanced over my shoulder, I’d having to be explaining why I was reading a java gaming forum.

Hell, I work in anti-spam, I’d have to be explaining why there weren’t any pictures of naked women on my screen. I do occasionally love my job. 8)