
For your amusement and delectation:

http://www.puppygames.net/downloads/ultratron_src.zip The source code to Ultratron
http://www.puppygames.net/downloads/ultratron_resources.zip The XML resources for Ultratron
http://www.puppygames.net/downloads/framework_src.zip The Puppygames minigame framework
http://www.puppygames.net/downloads/spgl_src.zip Shaven Puppy Game Library source
http://www.puppygames.net/downloads/ecommerce_src.zip Registration code handling & hiscore server

It uses LWJGL and JOrbis too of course.

Cas :slight_smile:


Nice :slight_smile:

WOW! - and why, may I ask ?

oh, and there is a CVS export command to avoid the CVS dirs :wink:

Well, why not? It’s often fun poking through people’s code. Maybe some bright spark will figure out how to put it all together and build it and tweak the gameplay :wink:

Cas :slight_smile:

I do enjoy poking through other people’s code.
How did you know :slight_smile:

Goodness me. That is generous. I’ve admired the slick artwork on your games. Now I can admire the code.


Haha :slight_smile: There’s nothing elegant about the code! It’s just “get it working QUICK code!”

Cas :slight_smile:

:o Shaven Puppy out of the CVS!!

Many Thanks


Ooo, nice. I’ve already learnt so much from SPGL and AF sources, that I wonder what I’d do without them. No doubt they’ve been the best resources in the whole web!
Now get into writing a deathmatch game so I can learn some networking ;D

So if I were to completely change the gameplay and released it, you wouldn’t mind?
It can’t find the particle diddler. There are a few other things missing like resources.dat which isn’t in the resource folder either.

Surprise surprise, it doesn’t just bolt together to make a game :wink:

By all means feel free to use the code to make your own games. I somehow doubt you’ll produce Ultratron 2 from it of course, hehe :slight_smile: By the time you’ve got a finished product together… you’d have spent just as much time on it as we do!

Cas :slight_smile:

Ahh so it’s a challenge thing.

HI, I’m a bit late to the party and the links to the source code above don’t seem to work anymore. I was hoping I could still get hold of the source code as I would like to see a working example of 2D in OpenGL.

Thanks, Chad.

It would be nice to have the sources back, i’m looking for a lwgl devil + linux workarround and since i haven’t had any problems loading ultratron i thought i could borrow if from you ::slight_smile:

I think cas’ games all use his own propreity formats for images+sound.

does the format matters? :-\ i thought that it was the way in which it’s loaded into memory

If it is his own format then he doesnt need to use devil at all. You can always write ur own loader or use imageio if u want to avoid devil.

afaik, ultratron doesn’t use devil…

ok, i have worked it our, i will share it here after testing it a litle. I have just written the ByteBuffer data of the image down to a file, with some info about the texture (dimension, format, etc…) i seems to work ::slight_smile: