The links are down
I am late and links are gone !!
Anybody still have them ?
I asked Cas about it and he said he is busy right now, but as soon as he gets a chance he’ll put them back up.
Yeah, gimme a bit, I’ll put it up somewhere sometime… and no I don’t use DevIL, I use my own format which is more or less like TGA (i.e. really totally simple) and convert stuff ahead of time.
i have been tweaking kev’s tga loader to load rle-encoded tga and if someone finds it usefull i can go for indexed :
RLE isnt worth it. The TGAs get compressed either way. Your time is better spend with indexed and/or 16bit.
JPEG with alpha is the best of course (For graphics where that works ok) (And that’s where DevIL might come in handy, as a JPEG decoder that’s easy to use)
Hmm… “best”… well, I think that DXTn is pretty neat. Way smaller than TGA (zipped and unzipped) and usually it saves a lot vram and there is no decompression involved (apart from that on-the-fly decompression of course). If the card doesnt support it, those extra benefits are gone and you need to decompress it yourself (way faster than jpg tho).
One of those rather useless comparsion images:
I’m actually a bit surprised that it does look that good with this kind of image data.
With photo based textures its a bit different. A jpg can be easily a third smaller, because the dxt stuff wont compress as nicely anymore. Well, you still have faster loading times and greatly reduced vram usage.
I’m likin’ the look o’ that! Perfect compression format for my games. Is there a Java compressor source around that I can use to apply to a BufferedImage?
Is there a Java compressor source around that I can use to apply to a BufferedImage?
Dunno. Havent seen one yet, but it shouldnt be too difficiult, because the compression scheme is very simple (it has to be since its decompressed on the fly each time the texture is drawn).
Well, the most usable option seems to be using the DDS format for storing the images. DDS can store the texture data in over 20 kind of flavours (DXT1-DXT5, 24bit raw, 32bit raw, 4-4-4-4, 5-6-5, 8-8 etc). The advantage of using that format is that you can use your every day image viewer (say irfanview) for inspecting the images and it also means that you can use existing batch converter tools from Nvidia or ATI.
Eg this photoshop plugin and this stuff (you need to create a profile with the photoshop plugin for using that command line thingy).
OpenIL can read dds files and there are also some half usable readers written in java. IIRC CDF was working on one for VE (volatile engine).
Hardware realtime decompression of JPEG and MPEG is common. It doesn’t have to be simple because it is decompressed on the fly. It has to be simple to so it’s cheap to put on the chip
Nah its different. It gets decompressed each time its needed. Eg if you draw the same texture 1000 times each frame it gets decompressed 1000 times. Decompression happens pretty much instantly during access. You cant do something like that with jpeg.
And yea it needs to be simple for putting it on a chip especially if you put it in the middle of the pipeline like this.
Loads DXT1, DXT1a, DXT3 and DXT5. Doesnt do decompression tho (so it simply wont work if the card doesnt support S3TC stuff).
in VE, we’re using OpenIL, so we didn’t have to write anything in particular for it to work, it Just Works ™
IIRC, ChaosDeathFish did DDS loading for jme a while back
any chance to put the links back on? thanks! ;D
Same thing, i am DYING to have the opportunity to look at this gem !!!
I asked a month ago but still nothing, please can someone send me them if he have then ?
Promise I’ll get round to it eventually! Just keep on having other things to do…
Why I can’t download one of this file? :’(
Coz I’ve deleted them I’ll put 'em up again one day. Just too lazy. There’s more to releasing source than making zips!
PM me with your email dragon and I’ll send the zips out to you. That is, assuming Cas has no problem with it! ;D
Don’t mind at all. (Currently actually working on the code as it is to fix various troubles).