Server is up (A newly registered user can always start new games, but the client is NOT user friendly, I’m working on a new client).
Play it here (webstart):
http://chief.foldspace.com/ (<— this is a new server, much faster than the earlier)
http://chief.foldspace.com/chief2.jnlp (<— this is a new client, much cooler than the earlier)
My new game project is ready for early tests. It’s no cool technology (no, hibernate with annotations does NOT qualify as cool) or anything but hopefully good strategy gameplay. The game is played in turns and all players give simulataneous order.
In an early phase, orders where emailed as text (Alpha attack Beta) to the game administrator. Now, you play through a java client that talks webservices with the server. Everything is point and click. The number of players is not limited (but the size of the map has a practical limit). 1-10 players should be no problem. 10-20 should be ok but the map would need to be huge.
Synth LF
It’s all swing (apart from the map of course). I have designed the Look and feel myself (using synth). Synth is a great idea, but with lots of oddness and almost zero documentation. I really hope sun fixes this in the future. Lots of stuff that worked great on jdk 5 didn’t work when I tested it with jdk 6. I have my own custom painter. A lot of methods only draw white backgrounds in text boxes.
here are some games played on the old system:
The site with the games has been hacked!
And the site with a manual (rules are somewhat old):
The same site, so it is hacked.
I’m doing an animated manual (in powerpoint), it’s as basic as possible (also somewhat old):
Get it here:
I will monitor it when I can. New games will be started when I am awake. There is an ingame chat, talk to me!