This forum always seems to liven up when there’s a contest going on. So I thought about this for an AI contest:
A specific boardgame like chess or checkers is chosen.
A GUI is made to allow you to play on it and test the AI while developing.
The GUI will feature pluggable AI libraries so that different people’s AI libraries can be played off against each other.
The GUI makes calls to the AI libraries which only have the following method available:
- compute() which sends the game state to the lib and returns the move chosen.
A tournament will be held where the different AI libraries play off against each other.
The aim of the competition is to see who can write the smallest AI library (like the 4k contest) but also to see who wins the tournament.
The matches will be played and the moves will be exported so that people can watch them.
There will be no way to cheat because the GUI will test for valid moves and the only way the AI lib can do anything is when it is called on by the GUI.
How does this sound? Would anyone be interested in this?