The Intergalactic Trashman - PLAYABLE ALPHA AVAILABLE!!!

@dime26 You spoiled the end of the game!!! :o I’m kidding ;D

The designs we showed before were early designs, so you shouldn’t pay attention on them. But now I’m gonna show you the newest design. What do you think?

By the way, this monday* we’ll post a new video. This video shows a space level preview and the new design in motion :smiley:

  • We’ll post the video on this week. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Lookin good. continue the good work

Thanks @kingroka123!

And as I promised, here you are a video showing an alpha gameplay of a space level. Enjoy it! :smiley:


very good!
is that little robot always adjusting the rocket’s position?
thats a nice way

Thanks @Drenius! About the robot, If you land centered (over the trash door) it doesn’t appear.

Amazing! The physics for the ship seems to be really good!
I like the animations at the gas station very much, you are making a game with many dimensions (planets, ship, platformer) in it, really good job!

great game! I really like it! I have a question, what do you use for animate character? a simple Spritesheet? the movemens of a character are amazing, so fluid!

I can think of a lot of possibilities with this game. Just the idea of an intergalactic trash an really captures something we rarely notice. The character looks cute and I love the way the worlds are set out. Wonder how it’ll turn out.

All for the best, great job and great idea. :slight_smile:

I’m sure he said he use Spine for all the animation.

I’m glad to read your comments @Herjan @grevius @mrdeathjockey

You’re right @mrdeathjockey, the animations are done with Spine (and with so much patience ;D).

Is spine good, how long did it take u to do the animating for the character? And how long did it take u to draw him? You had to draw it only 1 time, btw?
Im now starting to do the art for my game, but it takes forever, I have to make all sprites (40) look up down left right (thats done now for only 1 characters (took 5/6 hours, 64x64 images)), and then I haven’t talked about animation or whatever…

@Herjan, for our character we’ve taken about eight hours to draw all the pieces. We’ve drawn the character only once, but it’s several heads, arms and legs to perform all necessary animations.

The time to complete an animation varies greatly depending on the animation. But we can do about 2 animations at day (with their different cycles, for example “Crouching” is divided into: Crouching, stand still crouched, crouch gait and Rise).

From what you say I guess you’re doing an RPG with top view. If all your characters have the same proportions, with Spine, you’d just animate the characters once and then create each character skins (You could even create a very cool customization system)

Check the Esoteric Software website and watch the videos. I think Spine can be useful for your project.

Thanks, for all the info!

Well, it is not a RPG and it is not an heli-view (top-down), but nobody cares, however… I think its not useful for me because all my characters are going to be something else, Yesterday I drew a human, today im drawing a droid, and they all have different animations, my human has nice leggs, my droid is… a droid… Sorry, droid assault was too cool to not put some droids in my game :wink: Thanks puppy’s out there! :smiley:

I wish you the best of luck in your project @Herjan :smiley: I hope to see it around here.

New art! This time crystals and trees (with some movement and shining) :point:

Hi! I want to show you some updated art :slight_smile:

I’ve updated the main post with some new information. A summary:

The things that you can do:

  • Travel through the space in order to discover new planets,collectibles,NPCs,trash…
  • Solve different type of puzzles.
  • Fight against enemies (space pirates, soldiers, turrets…)
  • Upgrade your ship and weapons.
  • Discover the main plot.

Main idea
We want to combine this in two different kind of stages that are joined. You can land on a planet with your ship, and enter with the character in a factory (2D platforms stage), and then, you can exit the factory and fly again. It’s a spatial pseudo-sandbox.

I hope you like the idea and art :slight_smile:

New mechanized enemy, a turret.




What do you think about it?

That artwork is AMAZING! It reminds me a lot of the Team Fortress 2 turret, all the good memories, and all the humor associated with it. Keep up the awesome work!

Oh man. I am an idiot. I just was about to finally ask how our hero looks anything like a trash can, then I saw it was trashman.
I love the art! The turret needs some flares though…

Thanks @Longarmx and @wesley.laferriere :slight_smile:

The tourret’s flares will be in another animation. This is cause we don’t want flares to move while tourret spins.