Terrain Chunk Sizes

So I’ve been working on an editor for my game. And I’ve reached a point where I would like to ask what everyone thinks the best practices are.

What I would like to know is how can I determine the best resolution for the terrain blendmap for each chunk.

And what are good dimensions for a terrain chunk. Currently my chunks are 33x33 verts

What would you do?

I think its down to personal preference, if it is going to be single player then you can get away with using rather large chunks but if you wish to make it multiplayer then 16X16 might be more reasonable otherwise you will be handling rather large chunks comming in from the server

The reason you use power of 2 sizes is so that you can do bit shifting stuff, because it is faster than multiplication / division.

int chunkIndX = tileX / 16;
int chunkIndX = tileX >> 4; // should be faster than the first one

But maybe I’m wrong…

I’m not tiling. 3D texture splatted terrain.

What do developers normally use for dimensions?

@Ed_RockStarGuy yeah 16x16 sounds good.

Plus terrain data will not be streamed from server. It will not be procedural terrain.