Terminal - A space voxel game

Hello fellows,

So a little history behind this project: I’m a 15 year old high school student who got interested in Java in the beginning of this year. I later decided to try out LWJGL and see what I could make with it, and this is the result.

So, what’s the idea?

The idea is, as said, a space voxel game, located far into the future where humans rule the galaxy. The main thought I’ve been thinking about is some kind of FPS dogfight game, where you’ve got a mothership with several fighters that you steer in first person perspective. This idea is a ‘dream’ idea though (as you might even guessed), I’ve got no faith in my self that I will make something that massive, so I began smaller.

Heavily inspired by 0x10c I decided to make some sort of room editor that you could walk around in and modify with placing blocks. I’ve also been built a virtual CPU that got it’s own assembly-like language.:stuck_out_tongue: And that’s pretty much where I’ve got so far:


(Sorry for the lags, and bad quality. Shitty QuickTime)

The engine is built on the core profile (> 3.2).

But, there is a big ‘but’. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m currently struggling heavily with more advanced linear algebra (picking for example, in the video it just enables if the block is inside the xyz value of the other blocks, no ray at all) and shadows with point lights (got it working with directional lights though). So I’m kinda tempted to scale down to 2D and do some other ideas. All in all, this is my first project, and I think I’m pretty right when I say that I aimed a little too high. :stuck_out_tongue:

So what do you guys think, should I go on or do something else?