Snipping Tool++ (An advanced screenshot/text uploading tool)

On the hotkeys thing, I believe JInput allows you to access hotkeys, and it works on all OS’s so you should look into it! :slight_smile:

Oh, well that makes me feel better :slight_smile:

Its because the hotkeys are a windows key hook that need to load a dll file. I have no experience with Mac OS or Linux so
i would not know where to begin to make it work with those OS’s.

JInput, hmm I will look into it. Thanks for the tip. :slight_smile:

Getting Started with JInput

Thanks, I wont have time to implement that into my program just yet but
as soon as I am done with finals and get back from my ~month long vacation
I will get to work on it :slight_smile:

Also, the reason its Snipping tool++ (Snipping Tool Plus Plus) is because I got
the idea from Notepad++ which is a complete replacement to the notepad app
that can be used for scripting, coding and well many many things and is
quite a popular program. I actually dont know any programmer or computer tech
people who dont use it :stuck_out_tongue:

How did you implement hotkeys? Did you use a native binding for that?

Yo, start reading earlier posts before asking a previously answered question!

Finally im back with internet and the sorts. been gone a while.

When I was gone I was thinking, wouldnt it be nice to also be able to upload text? Because a lot of times I upload snippets of code for people.

So, today I added an “Upload to Pastebin” feature.

All you need to do is, copy the text you want to upload to your clipboard and then press Alt+Shift+1. When uploading finishes
you will have the link copied to your clipboard.

Hope this made it that much more useful to those who use it :slight_smile:

I also fixed a bug where the program was stealing the escape key. Basically you couldnt use the escape key
while my program was running. So i changed the key to right click.

Updated! Pictures on the original post.

Added preference support.
Added image upload stats
Added more pastebin preferences
Updated the look and feel
Removed the file chooser from saving locally (it now has a default directory, can be changed)
Fixed bugs

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Coming soon (when I finish adding a few touch ups to the code and what not)

You can now upload images that you may already have saved on your computer.
Simply drag them to the box, and click upload!

This will decrease your hourly image cap of 50 uploads per hour. After which
you will be given an error until your cap refreshes.

Just realized there may be a bug where the program does not
run, if this is the case, delete the “.snippingtool++” data
directory if it exists. It should be located under C:/users/[username]/.snippingtool++
then restart the program.

Also, I was notified of an issue caused by anyone who has a secondary monitor
to the left of their main screen.

All of these issues will be fixed real soon hopefully with the next update. The next
update will also feature the new multi-image uploading tool.


Fixed all the above…

Added the Multi-Image Uploader
Added Multi-Snippet capture support. (draw boxes around anything you want combined into a single image)

Added some more example images to the original post.

To enable multi-snippet capture, go to Preferences>General > Click the checkbox

Enjoy. (I also changed the download location to use my dropbox now instead of mediafire)

The download link doesn’t seem to be working :confused: I get an error message saying “Nothing Here The file you are looking for has been deleted or moved.”

Ah. I will fix that now.

I am moving a lot of stuff over to my website that im setting up and
forgot to update the link here.

Edit: ok. the download link should take you to my webpage where I have it

Its easier to keep track of links and updates if I direct everything to my website now. rather
than having to update stuff here so much.

However, I will still let everyone know of updates here when they occur.

In an attempt to try and get my application known, I have created a facebook page for it.

So if any of you like the application or use it, it would mean a lot if you helped me by
liking the page :slight_smile: